Selecting a private diagnosis provider

Good morning all,

I am attempting to select a provider of autism assessment leading to diagnosis, self-funding. I’m bemused by the range of providers. Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to identify a reliable provider. I am male, 61 years old. Thank you in advance for any suggestions. Richard

  • Hi Craig suggested Sara Heath from Shropshire Autonomy. I know of several people who went via that route.

  • Thank you for this lead. R

  • Thank you for taking the toime to write back explaining your experience and making your evidence based recommendation. Much appreciated. R

  • Thank you for this lead. Best wishes, R

  • Thank you. This is very helpful. There seems to be a large range of providers and it is very difficult to take them all in. “A focus for the questions to ask” - you have hit one of the nails right on the head. Thank you again.

  • This is a tough one.

    I self referred to the NAS's own Lorna Wing centre. They are the best. If you can afford it and wait, I'd go for them every time.

    Otherwise, whilst I can't recommend anyone, there are things to look for in a provider. You obviously need someone whoes judgement you can trust and won't later be questioned and who is thorough. 

    Normally you'd expect a team not just one bod on their own. Either a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist with appropriate training and a speech and language specialist. Dig into their quals.

    This also should not be something concluded in an hour. They should be asking for extensive background information and be assessing over several hours, if possible also talking to someone who knows you well (from childhood, if available).

    You should also expect a detailed profile report after the assessment.

    Also, don't be put off by waiting lists. NHS waiting lists are long. Private ones are shorter, but the good private ones are in demand too. Anyone who says they can do it tomorrow in this climate might be suspect.

    I hope that at least gives you a focus for the questions to ask.

  • Oh no! I must have just got in under the wire. Sorry OP. Drats! 

  • Hi, please don’t think I’m jumping in, a post a few days ago said that Psychiatry UK aren’t accepting new referrals at the moment.

  • I had my diagnosis through Psychiatry UK. They accept private patients, but mine was via NHS. I found them very thorough and competent. 

  • Hi Richard,

    I can unreservedly recommend Sara Heath of Shropshire Autonomy as a potential diagnosis route for you, as she is especially experienced with late-diagnosis of autism. Although she is not a medical professional, she is very experienced in autism diagnosis and works with an NHS psychiatrist, which enables her to provide an officially-recognised diagnosis. Because she does most of the legwork herself before she refers you to the psychiatrist, it works out considerably cheaper that some of the other providers. I used her for my diagnosis (aged 50) and have had no regrets about choosing her. Good luck with your diagnosis journey, irrespective of who you choose to go with. Feel free to ask me any questions.