Multiple Choice Questions

I have always struggled with multiple choice questionnaires. Is this an Autistic Trait?

  • Actually another thought.

    CSE maths. I chickened out of the 'O level, maths teacher thought I'd have a nervous break down and let me take CSE for my mental welfare...another story.

    Anyway, first question on the multichoice paper I will remember to my dying day.

    "How many people would you expect at a birthday party?

    A) 6

    B) 60

    C) 600

    D) 6,000"

    I dunno. How many friends have you got? Any of the above are possible. I thought about annotating the margin to state this was a social and philosophical question, not a mathematical one, but thought better of it and ticked 6, since most people don't have 600 or more genuine friends.

    Mercifully, the paper moved on to some proper maths questions and I got a Grade 1 = O Level C+, so never had to worry about maths again.

    Is there a point here? Dunno, maybe multi choice isn't a good format for autistic people unless you are prepared to accept a literally "out of the box" answer that was never listed.

  • Your exam question really reminds me of this one.

  • Screaming with laughter, but then having a stern word with myself on behalf of the poor kid who might have just  lost their grandfather and was faced with this stupidly insensitive question.

    But oh the assumptions of examiners.

  • Screaming with laughter, but then having a stern word with myself on behalf of the poor kid who might have just  lost their grandfather and was faced with this stupidly insensitive question.

    But oh the assumptions of examiners.
