Multiple Choice Questions

I have always struggled with multiple choice questionnaires. Is this an Autistic Trait?

Parents Reply Children
  • The essays would be great if they didn't constrain the word count. I spend more time trying to rephrase and precise to fit the word constraint than writing the damn thing to start with.

    Always too many ideas to fit the words allowed!

  • Hate thousand word essays.

    I love writing thousand word essays, it’s like a huge info dump!

     I like writing essays because I analyse everything and can include all the details!

  • Me too. Anything that's just question, answer I can do but things that are open ended I either freeze and don't know where to start or my mind wanders off. Needless to say, my exam results in essay subjects weren't good. If the autism questionnaires were "describe your childhood experience in 800 words" I would have burst into flame. 

    I thought at the time (and still haven't ruled out) I had undiagnosed ADHD and that was the reason I can't stay focused unless I'm constantly being pulled back on track.