Is this a shutdown?

Hi all, 

I'm a late diagnosed (46) autistic female and I'm currently having one of those days when I JUST CAN'T !   This happens after I have 'overspent'  - and by that I mean I had a had a busy weekend with lots of 'peopling' (ugh!) and kids party, lots of social things going on and and things that had to be done to prepare for those social things - and now, it is Monday and my productivity is at zero! I really mean zero.  I lay down on my office floor to breath earlier.   And that's what got me wondering - is this a meltdown / or shutdown ? Is this an autistic thing?  

It feels like I have overspent my energy, focus, ability and now I have nothing left.   Can't do anything.  Very low tolerance for noise also.   

This happens on a regular basis at varying degrees of severity  - I have thought of it as uneven productivity, but I wonder if it is more than that?   

Anyone else have something similar? 

Thanks in advance, 

  • Hi Morganna, 

    I don't know what you call it but I GET IT. 

    Have you heard of spoons theory? You have so many spoons you can use in a day and it takes time to build them back up. Sounds like you spent all your spoons and didn't build in time to rebuild them so today = no spoons. 

    I usually leave Sunday with no plans (at most maybe going out for a roast or a movie) because I need that day of just *nothing* to rebuild my spoon collection in time for work on Monday. 

    Good luck - it sounds like you might have a tough week ahead of you. Early night to bed! 

  • Hi Morganna, 

    I don't know what you call it but I GET IT. 

    Have you heard of spoons theory? You have so many spoons you can use in a day and it takes time to build them back up. Sounds like you spent all your spoons and didn't build in time to rebuild them so today = no spoons. 

    I usually leave Sunday with no plans (at most maybe going out for a roast or a movie) because I need that day of just *nothing* to rebuild my spoon collection in time for work on Monday. 

    Good luck - it sounds like you might have a tough week ahead of you. Early night to bed! 

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