Autism Friendly Leisure Activities

Newly officially diagnosed but suspected for a long time. Now comes the point where I actually could get help for my hidden disability but I would like to know which organisations that people visit for pleasure like galleries, museum, historic buildings etc are friendly towards autistic adults.  For example my experience in The National Trust has often been negative. I do not drive, the anxiety and thought processing is too overwhelming. I always travel with a rucksack so I can carry all of my the things for the whole day like, like food, medicines, phone charger, hairbrush yada yada yada. They don’t seem to appreciate any of this and only like car drivers with small handbags.  

Parents Reply
  • Some activities like games have to be shared and like with arcades I’d love to go in if they were quiet and not full of flashing lights. 

    I completely understand, I don’t like arcades either for the very same reason. If only they were autistic friendly. I like the idea of going to museums too, but they would also be too busy for me to attend without any stress. I like the idea of going to museums as I love learning. You say you like learning new things, what about online courses? Future Learn is a great website with a range of courses in lots of different subjects.

    You say you like art, did you know that NAS run an online arts branch for autistic adults? This might interest you:
