Do it profiler

Hi has anyone got any experience of an adult assessment using the do it profiler assessment online process? My 19 year old son was assessed like this as having several traits in all areas but the progamme deemed him not needing an assessment?

Bit of background we have had issues for a few years he has sensory issues, social and emotional issues and also other things going on he doesn't mask very well at all.  My younger (middle) son is 17 and has just received an autism diagnosis and he has masked the issues a lot better and because they have had no issues at school its not been flagged with the other issues

I have major mum guilt that I didn't know how much middle son was masking so as the older ones issues are really quite prominent in comparison I guess I'm pushing a bit more now? Hard to explain but I just don't see how a computer programme can decide???

First time posting so any advice on navigating is great! 

  • they will only put a person forward on the algorithm is they are a danger to themselves or others

    A person can suffer and or be disadvantaged very severely without being a danger to anyone. This is just callous money saving.

    If your GP is willing, your son can be assessed privately, though with the NHS paying, through the 'Right to Choose' scheme. This should speed things up considerably compared with the dire NHS waiting times. Once there is a formal clinical diagnosis the university is required by law to make accommodations.

    See here for some background on Right to Choose for ASD assessment:

  • So apparently from the local disability forum it appears they will only put a person forward on the algorithm is they are a danger to themselves or others and only after a mental health assessment so we are not getting any further this was apparently supposed to be a 3 month trial with the do it profiler but just seems as a way of cutting the number of assessments or the waiting list for people waiting for assessments 

    I may just be jaded though

    gp appointment Wednesday but not sure it will even be beneficial or whether it will aid my son getting any support from the uni

  • Thank you that's great info all of his scores were 3 (orange) which is why I'm confused? Will ask him to share the report with the uni team

    Thanks for the reply

  • Do it profiler questions are quite biased towards working and study environments and then identify strengths and weaknesses to help guide reasonable adjustments and also tips and links about how to improve on some areas or tasks you may struggle with. This may be useful to pass onto the uni disabilities team as they may be able to offer extra support based on the report. But it doesn’t go as much into home or social areas. The ND screener will then show on a scale out of 4 whether you have traits for certain conditions and how many. The NHS trust has probably decided which number is the threshold for assessment. It’s likely to be at least a score of 3 (orange) or maybe even 4 (purple) if they are very pressured. Was he able to download the report for himself when he finished the questions? This website has some useful all round tests, AQ-50 and RAADS are good starting points. Take these test results to the GP appointment in August

  • Hi the do it profiler didn't say he hadnt been accepted there was no information at all with why 

    Oldest doesn't mask but he did say that the questions were open and could be interpreted in different ways?

    Several traits in all areas of assessment

    He struggles in so many areas and hadn't learnt the masking and gets very overwhelmed

    Was an NHS do it profiler assessment to confirm if he needed an assessment although the gp one had said he does currently waiting for a gp appointment mid August just concerned about him returning to uni as the 1st year was a bit of a struggle

     Middle son has had diagnosis confirmed and she could see him masking etc awaiting an? OT assessment? 

    Sorry for the delay in replying thank you for the help and support

  • My 19 year old son was assessed like this as having several traits in all areas but the progamme deemed him not needing an assessment?

    What was the assessment he received and what was it he was deemed to not need?

    Also, was it NHS or private?

    I have major mum guilt that I didn't know how much middle son was masking

    Don't beat yourself up over this. Teenage boys are unlikely to want to show vilnerability as they are programmed to just want to fit in and be like their mates, and in that world difference is often seen as weakness so the masking is in full swing.

    If he performs a RAADS test for autism then it should take into account his masking IF he answers the questions truthfully.

    Can you clarify the first points please so we can make sure we are talking about the same thing.