Creative writing helps me explain myself..

As a kid, I always used creative writing such as poetry or song lyrics to express my words of how I feel or my emotions.. However, most people don't understand the message or know why I write like I do. Like this piece called "Noctrounal life".. 

You ask why I sleep, 

All damn day,

What do you want me to say, 

Is it my life that should pay, 

Yes, am a werewolf, 

A vampire,

Too much noise during,

The light, 

Quiet at night,

I perfer the nocturnal life, 

Cause when the world sleeps, 

I can cry, 

Eye are dry by the morning,

When your asleep, 

My mind is nor racing,

I'm not pacing, 

My anxiety, my mind is silent,

I can think and breathe, 

Am just me, 

In my strife, 

In this nocturnal life. 

  • Thank you debbie and i will. 

  • I really like your poem. 

    I wrote poetry from around 12 but stopped in my 40s.

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  • I think writing what we feel, emotions and experiences we have that we cannot do it verbal cause I do tend to spam my facebook with things and people just leave me. I mean sometimes my partner will be "I seen the facebook post, everything okay?" And am like just ranting away as usual. 

    But creative stories. Poems and that is my release, I tend to write better if am listening to music or songs that hit hard. But i think if you could write a book i would say do it if it helps  

  • spamming out text walls and essays sorta might help me. i dont speak much so maybe its just how i get stuff out when i dont do that verbally. i could easily write books i guess lol i wrote a few pages of one before, which was almost lovecraftian, but yet a true story based on my weird night experiences and dreams. totally ditched or put it on hold as i felt the structure was no good and falling apart in areas. needs a re-dover but good for notes as a base off if i try over again i guess