Washing - why so hard?

This is quite embarrassing to write but I'm going to do it anyway. Okay - this might just be a 'me' thing - if that's the case please just ignore this post but: 

Why is getting washed and/or clean so hard?

I don't know if it is an autistic thing but getting in the shower/changing clothes/changing bedding and doing laundry is so hard for me. I am an independent adult I should be able to function better. :( 

I just had a shower and washed my hair for the first time in X weeks (too ashamed to say). I feel better now and I smell nice, so why don't I manage to do it more often? 

I live alone and rarely go out or see people, so my lack of washing isn't bothering anyone. I wanted to ask my weekly cleaner to help me change my sheets but I am too ashamed for her to see the state of my bed so its something I will have to tackle alone. 

Anyway, if anyone can relate please comment below, or if you just want to tell me I'm being a big baby that's also fine.

  • When I came home one day and told my wife that I think I’m autistic, she started to piece things together. First thing was that I have never showered, I find it too much, it’s like acid rain. Walking bare foot was then mentioned to me as an observation that I also never do it, if unavoidable I still walk on tip toe. Sorry going off on a tangent. I bath once a week, the same as childhood. Sometimes I think about washing but then autistic inertia stops me from taking the first step. The autistic inertia problem has controlled my life to quite a large extent.

  • When I came home one day and told my wife that I think I’m autistic, she started to piece things together. First thing was that I have never showered, I find it too much, it’s like acid rain. Walking bare foot was then mentioned to me as an observation that I also never do it, if unavoidable I still walk on tip toe. Sorry going off on a tangent. I bath once a week, the same as childhood. Sometimes I think about washing but then autistic inertia stops me from taking the first step. The autistic inertia problem has controlled my life to quite a large extent.

  • Hi Roy. I understand - washing has been an issue for me since becoming a teenager. I think it's wrapped up in a lot of other body issue stuff too. 

    I am the opposite with bare feet - I HATE shoes, will be bare foot wherever possible and then in sandals if I can be the rest of the time. Winter is a pain! 

    Funny how we're all different :)