Your favorite hobbies

I have been asked about my favorite hubby since I was child. 

But still i can't figure out what is my favorite hobby. Because i couldn't process the meaning of having hobbies. 

Nevertheless, what is your favorite hobbies? 

  • I hope by this time next year, i'll be a supastar,  playing on stage and having women throwing their pants at me.

    It's when the hit you and stick that you know you have found the wrong type of groupie...

  • Anime

    good grief I’m bored

  • Nearly all my life i've been a very keen DIYer. I'd do anything and everything, not just about the house, but i'd strip my car down, even re-spray it. But with age has come so many disabilities, i can't do any of that. So at the moment i'm into Art.  Art  isn't just painting, but things like sculpture and writing, perhaps short stories or poems.

    I never imagined i could ever do that sort of stuff. Then one day i heard a woman talking on the radio, and she was organising these classes for free. They were targeted mainly at people who had mental problems, and those like me ........ old; alone; and stirring at the four walls all day. It was financed by our local health authority. They realised is was  better than handing out endless prescriptions. And the other thing i'm trying to learn is to play the ukulele.

    I hope by this time next year, i'll be a supastar,  playing on stage and having women throwing their pants at me.

  • I like tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons too

    That takes me back!

    I was a dungeon master for a few years - long before my diagnosis and I recall it would give me problems with anxiety dreams about whether my scenarios would be liked or if I would look a failure.

    In the end I think most people who attended were autistic and were just happy to be in a group of like minded people.

    There would always be that one Sheldon Cooper though... but everyone knows you don't annoy the DM if you want your favourite character not to suffer the occasional curse...

  • I read a lot, both fiction and non-fiction. I also knit, crochet, cross-stitch, and use a sewing machine. I like tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons too, though playing in person can be quite tiring Sweat smile

  • I really like reading too :) I enjoy writing sometimes as well

    Recently I've discovered my passion for creating music. I've been learning a music production software for about a month and spending all my free time listening, editing music or learning how to do that. I think it's my new hobby!! I'm really really enjoying it! I am spending hours and hours without noticing the time passing by. I'm curious to know for how long this interest will continue.

    I also like to create things occasionally, like cutting fabric and making stuff from it. I also enjoy cooking, is that a hobby tho?.

  • Driving is a hobby/chore. I like pushing myself, and visiting new locations, but I have to encounter the negative voices in my head; trying to stop me.

    Also, listening to music.

  • I love tinckering with mechanical things - motorbikes are a favourite. It can also be lawnmowers, electrical devices (blender, hi-fi, vacuum cleaner etc) and extends to all kinds of DIY work which now makes up a career for me in my semi-retirement.

    The feeling of understanding how something works, identifying what is wrong and repairing (or even improving it to remove a weakness) is something that just clicks with my logical mind and is very soothing.

    Reading and watching Sci-fi and fantasy are my down-time preferences.

  • My favourite hobbies is reading about bees and photographing bees

    I love that too.

    You may be interested in this thread:

  • Reaaly can u show me pleaaaase

  • My favourite hobbies is reading about bees and photographing bees. My other favourite hobby is drawing which I've been doing since I was 7 :)