Feeling bit upset.

I used to be the size I wanted to be. 

Just before lockdown I had put on some weight, then during lockdown I put on more weight. 

I have started loosing weight and am on the right track. I know that I will never be this weight again. 

Have several dress sizes to go. 

I have lots of lovely clothes in the size I used to be (my goal size). and just a few clothes in my current size that are not my style at all and I don't like them, just bought them because they fit!

Usually go for a walk every day to help with loosing the weight, but felt it too warm to hide under a jacket, so have just not bothered going for my walk. total panic attack I guess. 

I can do an indoor exercise routine to day to make up for lack of walk. 

just for some reason felt so overwhelmed and so upset I ever put on all this weight. 

i have family that live not too far from where I am located at the moment, and have not seen them for a few years, so I am aware that they could drive past me and just gossip about my weight (some are not very nice that way). 

I have some other issues that are going on in my life too, and gosh, just felt like sitting down and crying. 

  • Hey thanks all for your answers. 

    So I gave myself a bit of a make over, cut my hair, put some waves into it.  

    And just braved it and went out for that walk this morning. Also went out for an additional one this afternoon to enjoy this lovely day. 

    Was a bit self- conscious  about it.  but was good to get the fresh air and exercise. 

  • There are girls bigger than me, out in their shorts and tee-shirts/summer clothes, and they dont bother, they look happy for being out in the sunshine. and have such more confidence than I . they look just fine in their summer clothes, trendy in fact. 

    I wish I had that level of confidence. need to work on that. 

    Thanks everyone who contributed.

  • Thank you, made good points there. 

  • I was never best pleased with my meno bod, and did get resigned to it. The weight gain wasn't massive but there was extra weight around my middle that was never massively welcome.

    Well in February I woke up one fine Sunday with raging flu! And for the rest of the week all I could manage were the odd banana during the day, and a modest vegetable soup in the evenings. And now my pre menopause body is back!

    It is not all good news, as there are wrinkles and crinkles on my abdomen that weren't there before. Only now I can wear thngs without these treacherous love handles showing up anywhere.

    Not that I would necessarily recommend going ro a lab to ask for flu virus to get slimming. In the 20's it was tapeworm eggs that were used as a nagical slimming cure till the thing was rumbled, there was even a Casualty story about that wth some nicelyauthentic looking specinens being vomited up in a cubicle... .

  • I try to explain that it's due with running (don't go anymore); also got a friend who is a wheelchair user and said it's muscle.

    Thought I had a thyroid problem. Make a GP appointment, to rule this out?

    Manufacturers clothes sizes come out different, trying to explain to people and don't listen.

    Some celebrities are getting trolled online about weight issues. Seen weight loss adverts before 9pm which is sending out the wrong messages.  I may write to ITV, sky and channel 4 about this. Also void certain magazines.

    Also family member does buy high cholesterol food which not supposed to have.

    Beat UK may have some information. Meant for eating disorders, found it helpful during lock down.

    Hope this helps you.

  • I haven't got the answer but I can totally sympathise. I've put on 3 stone over that last few years from antipsychotic medication and can't seem to shift it. I'm so fat and I hate myself. 

    It was my partners birthday bbq on Saturday and I was.so worried about being judged for my weight by his friends and family. I know for a fact that his mum and sisters will gossip about my weight. 

    Right now I don't want to leave the house as I'm so fat and disgusting. I do kettlebells and circuit training at home and eat a low fat diet but nothing is shifting this weight. 

    I too have some really nice clothes that I can't fit into. I don't know what to suggest but it's rubbish.