Getting to a healthy happy weight

I am currently loosing weight, going for walks and cutting down on snacks, I am going slowly as have a few sizes to go down, and want to stay toned. I have been doing some light dumbell exercises too and some toning, and when I get healthier I will be going back to doing my callanetics and light ballet moves for tonning. 

I just want to reach my healthy happy weight, for me it is a size 12. 

Anyone else had a few dress sizes to go down? and have been successful and how you did it. 

Motivation is a good thing. 


  • Yes, it very much depends on how you can cope with that empty feeling and what you have to fit in to your day. Last year I was going for a walk early in the morning for over an hour, then making brunch later in the morning. I actually prefer exercising on an empty stomach and I don't mind feeling a bit hungry. I know other people find it painful to feel hungry. Other people need to eat to have fuel to exercise, or they are more energetic in the evening. Knowing what you're like definitely helps when trying to stick to something. I find making little tweaks can increase activity too -like walk to the shops and carry the shopping home if it's not too far. Or get off the bus a stop early, park further away from work, walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. My focus has become keeping mobile as I get older, and the rest follows. It's definitely nice to feel more comfortable in my clothes now, and I feel mentally stronger when I'm physically stronger. I think it's also important as an autistic person to feel a connection with your whole self and honour how amazing you are and not feel like you're just a mess of a brain trying to cope with difficulties all the time. Exercising helps regulate mood too and I value anything that makes me feel ok. Something happens after 15 minutes of walking for me where I feel my thoughts unravelling and things get in perspective. I feel like I just can be, in contrast to the expectation that I feel a lot of the time which is my value is only in how productive I am. 

  • Thanks, yes I used to do intermitted fasting as just part of my life style and it kept me healthy lots of energy. Most days I would stop eating after dinner, and have a light breakfast or just a bruch, and very light lunch and dinner, and just stop eating about 6. 

    I am trying to get back into that again, and your post has motivated me. 

    As i remember how much energy and vitality I had with that lifestyle off course I would have the occasional later dinner if going out. I think I need to sort of cut down 30 mins at a time to get back into that.

  • I found fasting and walking works for me, especially as I get older. I walked 5 miles every day last year and went down 2 dress sizes. Sometimes I have breakfast late and then dinner, so just two meals a day. If you want to try fasting it's best to check on the internet what's appropriate for your age as metabolism changes during peri menopause, menopause, then post menopause. I tried a very loose diet (I'm not at all keen on dieting, I believe you should eat good quality food in moderation) in my early 40s, along with doing light weights for taking care of bone density and keep muscle tone. The diet was protein for breakfast then eating light meals every 4 hours, so say half a sandwich at midday and the other half later in the afternoon, snacks of nuts to keep energy levels even, then a light supper. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted when I was young and never gain weight but that's changed with age. I find the Hairy Biker's recipes really good for lower calorie delicious food. They use good flavours and it doesn't feel like you're missing out on anything. 

  • Makes sense. For me it was overwhelmingly stressful. I wasn't happy whenever I looked at the mirror. I definitely had it as a self-image issue.

  • I see. What I remember that helped me to sustain the new diet and regime is to have breaks. Like a day per week or so. I used to have one evening of whatever I wanted to eat. It definitely helped in sustaining it. 

  • Well it is the size I was before lockdown and covid started in the world, I felt healthy and I liked the clothes I wore, I guess it is for the healthy factor

  • That all sounds a very healthy and sustainable approach. Steady and realistic will get you there Slight smile 
    I think many of us have a weight that just feels most like ourself. It’s nothing as specific as self-image or even health, just feeling comfortable. Or as close as well get! I’m trying to get back to my preferred weight too. It’s happening, slowly. The only real way to stay committed. 

  • Hmmm. I did in some period of my life care a lot about my shape. I'd look in the mirror and wish I were one size thinner so I could reach the "perfection". I was like, emmm the hips, the thighs, I want those reshaped so I'd look like that model I saw in the movie the other day. Now I look back at it and I feel slightly sad for myself for how I had relationship with my body for years. Now I feel that my beauty isn't in my hip :D. I've never been obese tho, and that changes everything. Sadly, obese people suffer from how others treat them more than their health itself. my brother has been for all his life. I used to have a close friend who was obese for some period of her life and suddenly lost her weight. Her attitude and self-presentaion to the world completely changed afterwards from "please don't look at me because it hurts" to "all of you look at me now and always!". So I know that it could make all the difference to some people.

    I'm not sure what is your motivation, is it about beauty, or is it a health related concern?