
I have been reading about alexithymia lately. Does anyone here know that they have this, and if so I am interested to know how you describe your feelings. I'm asking because I tend to describe my feelings in terms of an analogy rather than saying what the feeling is e.g. - 'I feel like a deflated bouncy castle.' Would a person with alexithymia be unable to do this? 


  • Oh gosh I completely understand where you are coming from. I have this “feeling” yet when someone asks me to describe it there are no words I can find. I try and use analogies and that frustrates someone who is asking how I feel which in turn makes me confused as to why they are not understanding the analogy IS how I feel I think. Since childhood I have called the inability to express myself restlessness. If my mum asks what’s wrong my reply is “I don’t know” because I genuinely don’t know. My happiness is expressed with a nod and my sadness is always confusion, because to me sadness on others looks like crying. I also scored high for alexthymia. 

  • Oh gosh I completely understand where you are coming from. I have this “feeling” yet when someone asks me to describe it there are no words I can find. I try and use analogies and that frustrates someone who is asking how I feel which in turn makes me confused as to why they are not understanding the analogy IS how I feel I think. Since childhood I have called the inability to express myself restlessness. If my mum asks what’s wrong my reply is “I don’t know” because I genuinely don’t know. My happiness is expressed with a nod and my sadness is always confusion, because to me sadness on others looks like crying. I also scored high for alexthymia. 

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