Tips for dealing with smells


I’m newly diagnosed (2 weeks ago) and still navigating my way through things but overall am content with my diagnosis.

I am super sensory when it comes to smell. I smell everything and either gravitate towards them (been known to sniff people in the past) or feel physically unwell by them or cry if I can’t find the source of a smell. This can make it quite challenging to be out and about at times.

I’ve read lots of tips for people managing noise aversions but I have never come across anything to deal with smells. Does anyone experience the same thing and have any wisdom to pass along?

I’m not sure if I should just start carrying around a small spritz bottle or aroma ball of a scent I like and place it on my wrists or something like that.

Any tips welcome! Thanks

  • Back in history people would carry around a pomander or a scented handkerchief to use when affected by unpleasant smells. People working in very smelly situations will smear a little Vicks vapo-rub under their noses, which is a very powerful smell, good if you like the smell of menthol and eucalyptus.

  • Back in history people would carry around a pomander or a scented handkerchief to use when affected by unpleasant smells. People working in very smelly situations will smear a little Vicks vapo-rub under their noses, which is a very powerful smell, good if you like the smell of menthol and eucalyptus.
