I have suicide thoughts- Help, can anyone relate

Hi I am new here.

I'm Rosa, but I would rather be called Rose

Please forgive I have a hard time putting my thoughts and feelings into words. 

I have had I very hard childhood. Since my birth father died when I was 6 years old, I am now 22. But he died of a drug overdose, I was placed in foster care when I was 11. I have been having suicide thoughts since my birth father died. I have attempted before.

  • As you probably know, suicide is harder than it seems like it should be. You're much more likely to end up surviving with permanent health problems than succeeding in killing yourself, at least using the methods easily accessible in the UK. To me, that's the best argument against attempting. It's not worth it until there's a really terrible, unimaginable, unavoidable amount of suffering headed your way very soon, e.g. diagnosis of a painful and rapidly progressing illness. Until then, you might as well put it off and see if things get better, rather than making a failed attempt and having to live for decades with the consequences.

  • As you probably know, suicide is harder than it seems like it should be. You're much more likely to end up surviving with permanent health problems than succeeding in killing yourself, at least using the methods easily accessible in the UK. To me, that's the best argument against attempting. It's not worth it until there's a really terrible, unimaginable, unavoidable amount of suffering headed your way very soon, e.g. diagnosis of a painful and rapidly progressing illness. Until then, you might as well put it off and see if things get better, rather than making a failed attempt and having to live for decades with the consequences.

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