Noise sensor overload

Im having issues with noise everywhere with everything. And im under a lot of stress in my own home. Noisy surroundings in the flat, in the lobby, neighbors banging and slamming, shouting, throwing midnight raves and more being inconsiderate at nights. Im not able to do essential chores, constantly having to fight myself to creep about, raging and breaking stuff to get peace and quiet. I struggle to cope so much i cant concentrate. Ive lost appetite to eat. I no longer have guests, i get scared to pee when needed. I get scared to have a shower and brush my teeth, im now having issues where im kicking off at my cat when he meows or has the zoomies. I have a lot goin on and im now angry, angry so much i lose my mind with my mom, my other mom, my cat, myself, medical assistances, my sisters. Ive lost mostly my friends. Im having negative thoughts constantly. In ways im so fed up i cant get a peace of mind, while being so overwhelmed by noise. I barely eat. I have one meal at night and rely on coffees and sugar sodas for energy. Im barely motivated to cook as it stresses me out. Im not happy with where i live. Hell, i ripped my kitchen off the hinges in a rage with my neighbor banging all the time. Because i started slamming it and closing it in a rage. My cat eats more than me, ilove my cat more than myself. Im having to get my father to pick up my life and get help for me as i have lost it. I have adhd, autism and depression and anxiety. 

  • Have you filed a noise complaint?

  • Hello, I'm really sorry you're having to go through all this.  Noise sensory overload is the worst.  Do you have any earplugs you can put in or noise cancelling headphones ?  Do you like deep breathing (in for 5, hold for 7, out for 8 for instance)?  Can you escape the noise to somewhere peaceful at any point in the day?  Are you able to start exploring other options for housing at all?  I can sympathise with you on this , other people can be very inconsiderate but please try not to overthink everything you are doing.  You and your cat are fine and not upsetting anyone.    When people are annoying me, I whack on some load talky podcasts and put my earplugs in and blissfully hoover until they all shutup :)