Neurodivergent Love Languages

Hello fellow autistic people! In case you didn’t know neurodivergent love languages are a popular and well known aspect of autistic culture on social media. I particularly love info dumping and deep pressure, parallel play. 

The 5 languages are:

  1. Info dumping- we do a lot of info dumping here.
  2. Parallel play/Body Doubling - sharing space together whilst doing different activities 
  3. Spoon Sharing/Support Swapping- sharing our energy 
  4. Please Crush My Soul Back Into My Body (deep pressure)
  5. Penguin Pebbling - sharing small gifts or memes with neurodivergent friends/family (usually related to dedicated interests)

I particularly like penguin pebbling with my autistic friend. I like to send them memes related to their dedicated interests.

Which language do you relate to most?

Here is an article that explains the languages in more depth:

I love this aspect of our autistic culture, I hope you find it interesting too!

  • Tell me where the cameras are!  I know they're in here because that article describes me intimately. Laughing  Oh my god, I am so autistic.

    But seriously, thanks for sharing.  I know it will be helpful in my relationships.

    Edit: OMG, OMG, OMG!!!  All the things are starting to make sense now!  At my autism assessment, they asked me how I keep my house, if it's in order, and if it's clean.  I said that it depends.  If I live with someone, my house is immaculate.  If I live alone, everything falls apart.  I specifically said, "I can't live for myself.  I live for others."  I was describing body-doubling!!  I am sooooo sooo autistic and ADHD. Sweat smile

  • Tell me where the cameras are!  I know they're in here because that article describes me intimately. Laughing  Oh my god, I am so autistic.

    But seriously, thanks for sharing.  I know it will be helpful in my relationships.

    Edit: OMG, OMG, OMG!!!  All the things are starting to make sense now!  At my autism assessment, they asked me how I keep my house, if it's in order, and if it's clean.  I said that it depends.  If I live with someone, my house is immaculate.  If I live alone, everything falls apart.  I specifically said, "I can't live for myself.  I live for others."  I was describing body-doubling!!  I am sooooo sooo autistic and ADHD. Sweat smile

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