Annoying Sounds That Drive Me Insane

I spend a lot of time travelling on trains in the course of my work and there are two sounds that drive me nuts, to the extent that I’ll go and find myself another seat if that’s possible and, if it’s not, I’ll just grit my teeth in anguish! 
The first is the sound of people typing on their laptops, the rattling keystroke sounds make me want to scream! Second is the sound of people whispering to one-another. You get this in museums and galleries too. Just speak normally people, there’s no need to whisper, I can hear you anyway.

Obviously, the tick tick sound of IPhone ear buds or Air Pods is also infuriating, but I imagine that’s the case for most people!

  • Yes! Do NTs actually prefer this? With the technology we have I sincerely wish it were possible to have volume control of 2 separate soundtracks - the words and the background (or possibly 3, with music on a different track to sound effects). For most videos, on TV or youtube, I would either mute the music or turn it down a lot, obviously unless it was actually music I wanted to listen to!

    I enjoy mountain bike videos, fortunately some of these youtubers realise that there are significant parts of their audience who prefer just their occasional voice comments with the sound of the bike. I do not follow ones with obnoxious soundtracks, though there are one or two who sometimes use music but not all the time and sometimes it's even music I like. But I went through a phase of watching climbing videos (despite having less hand strength than a newborn) until I could no longer tolerate their unbearable taste in music. They all seem to like the horrible percussive tracks too. I'd have thought autistic youtubers would be safe, but sadly some of them have too loud music.

    I get that some things, like dramas, do benefit from suitably atmospheric music (though too many get the balance wrong such that many people find it hard to hear the dialogue over it) but for videos like the one you shared (which was quite interesting for a while until the music annoyance outweighed my interest in the topic as you said) why can't people who want music as well as content just have their own music on in the background? Then at least they could have music they actually liked as well!

  • Sometimes just the insistence on wall to wall music at all can make otherwise very interesting YouTube videos unwatchable. For instance, imagine this with just the guy’s guided tour and explanation. It would be infinitely preferable. Maybe a few seconds of music to bookend it, but as it is.. sadly unbearable 

  • I really hate things like balloons and fireworks - it's that sharp loud bang or in a firework that horrid whistling before the loud bang. Whenever I hear those bangs, it feels like those things are literally in front of my face and it phyisically feels as though it is hurting my body. When it's events like Bonfire Night/New Years Eve etc. I make sure I am home before it gets too dark and then isolate myself in my room with food/drink and then bundle up under a blanket, wearing my earplugs, noise cancelling headphones which are then linked to my TV with my TV on full volume so it at least drowns out the loud bangs to the point I can sort of feel OK - still even then I sometimes go into a full blown panic attack if the fireworks are really loud - one of my neighbours has the mega loud ones!

    I also hate things like cars when they are really revving the engine to the point the car backfires (again see the balloon/firework point), same with motorbikes as well...if I am out and about on my own then I generally use my Loop Earplugs and/or my MP3 player and noise cancelling headphones.

    Strangely, I am fine with loud music, the TV, vacuum cleaners etc. I also don't mind things like clocks, laptops etc as I use them all the time anyway so have just got used to the quiet tapping.

    At night I wear my very comfortable foam earplugs, so thankfully, unless it's very loud, I can generally get to sleep (unless I am unwell or something). 

    Mweekie xx

  • Sometimes it's little sounds, like tapping, especially if it's just on the edge of hearing so I'm not even quite certain if it's real (but it usually is my husband!) I hate these sort of small percussive sounds which are increasingly common in the backgrounds muzak of youtube videos, the worst are the ones that sound like finger snapping, ugh! There are channels I have had to stop watching because their music is of this variety.

    The other kind of sounds that infuriate me are big sounds like car/house alarms (though actually haven't heard one for a while, which is nice). One of our neighbours had a faulty car alarm which would go off randomly and he was usually good about turning it off, but if he didn't I wanted to go out and smash it with a big axe until the noise stopped! Other noises in this category are the noisy motorbikes or fighter jets we had the other week or those cars that have that weird noise they must think is cool.

  • Omg, talk about the sound of someone eating with an open mouth or sipping a hot drink you know when there lips look like they are whistling. Animals licking themselves, dogs barking (I love dogs). It gives me a headache 

  • Yappy little dogs yapping.

  • I'm not sure I've ever been in the proximity of one in real life, but in old fashioned dramas it seems a comforting sort of sound. It's human whistling I can't abide. Many a song has been ruined with its addition too. 

    Talking of stuff on the telly though, one of my most hated things is those scenes in films or tv dramas where a phone rings (usuaslly with one of those harsh 'brrrrrrrng' noises, even if it's a mobile) and they let it go like that for thirty seconds to a minute while the recipient makes their way slowly to answer it. I know it's to build a bit of suspense but it makes me feel ill. As someone who hates unscheduled calls in real life, it's a very triggering thing.

  • Ticking clocks drive me mad 

  • I'm not sure anyone else has one but my granny has a whistling kettle

    When it starts to whistle its deafening really horrible

  • Whistling. People loudly going 'Aaaaaaaah' after the first sip of something. Especially if the first A is really hard and sudden. 

  • One of the ones for me is

    Motorcycles their so noisy especially when they rev them up

    I think it should be banned really to be to loud not everyone likes it

  • Kids screaming, dogs continuously barking, taps dripping, dogs licking and cleaning themselves, someone coughing for long periods of time, someone rubbing their hand on their skin (skin against skin), squeaky doors, slamming doors, certain peoples voices that go straight through me, people that talk very loudly, if I’m in a quiet environment and someone has a fizzy drink in a can I can hear the bubbles. Too many to list. 

  • Can I ban ice cream chimes instead then? 

  • Bees, wasps, bluebottles. The noise is terrifying (as is proximity to any of them, especially indoors), I'm on hyper-alert as I hear it get distant and then rapidly loud again. It might as well be a shark the amount my heartrate goes up.

  • I was just thinking yesterday that if I could ban one thing it's automatic hand dryers. They are horrendously loud, and really un-needed. You can dry your hands at the sink in about twenty seconds by squeezing down from the wrist using one hand upon the other.

    Oh, I just realised I'm discriminating against people with one hand. OK, I suppose the driers will just have to stay. Maybe an advertising campaign to say 'you know you can just do this? Save electricity and noise'

  • A background humming during the night when I'm trying to sleep.  It's even more annoying because I can't figure out if it's inside the building or outside or both and if I move the bed I can still hear it.

  • A sound I hate is the very loud and annoying hoover. I also get tinnitus and this is unbearable for me.

    Also don't like humming or the loud Hissssss buses make. *shudders*