If you had a helper robot to support you as an Autistic adult navigating a NT world what would you want it to help you with?


If you had a helper robot to support you as an Autistic Adult navigating a NT world what would you want it to help you with?

(This post is mean both seriously to enquire about support needs, but also for fun because free robot helpers are a long ways off.)


I think because I'm a trifecta of Autism, OCD, and ADD I would want a robot helper to do all the cleaning tasks that involve having to touch anything sticky or gooey, spilled ketchup, etc.
Also as an assistant because my doing things relies on me doing them the very second I think to do them or else I forget to do it for a week so I never have enough spare hands to do things at the same time. I would like to have my robot call my GP for me to request medications, etc, stuff that frees up my own hands for stuff I can't tear myself away from.

  • I would want mine to go shopping for me and answer the door and phone for me - because of social anxiety.

    I'd love it for company as well, the perfect friend who would hopefully understand me and never judge or put pressure on.

    I'd like for it to watch Naruto with me as we would both never get bored of it.

    It could play chess with me! 

    We would be the best of friends.

  • As an Autistic adult myself, I totally get where you're coming from! Having a helper robot would be amazing! I'd love it to assist me with organizing my daily routines and reminders, especially when my mind gets too busy with all the sensory inputs around. Plus, it would be awesome if it could handle those pesky cleaning tasks that I tend to avoid, just like you!And you know what? Telepresence robots have the potential to significantly impact our situation in a positive way. Imagine attending meetings or events without having to deal with all the overwhelming social interactions in person. That way, we can focus on what truly matters to us and navigate the NT world more comfortably.

  • Maybe with your PhD you make our robots for us..Smile

    Also I think may consider the programme the “Lucky-Lech*r skill (edited)” from ‘The Hidden Dungeon only I can enter’..Smile

    I’d basically want my robot to augment me to be an echo-like companion that I can interface with through its own perceptions (optional); and run my ‘subroutines’ for me when I’m lacking, including taking measures to protect me when am incapicated. A also want it be able to manoeuvre wittily as a companion.

    GET ON IT!Nerd

  • I'd like one that looks like me, sounds like me and could do all the things that trigger me like socialising and going out. I would pay any amount of money for a robot like that! Grinning

  • My robot would ideally look like a staggeringly attractive highly flirtatious women. Now hear my out it’s not what you think. Growing up did you ever see a girl who was ‘the queen bee.’ All the boys were chasing her, she had a circle of women who wanted to be seen with her. Now imagine she was your staunchly loyal best friend. How might your social life benefit?

    imagine even you were dating her. There would be people who would want to steal you from her because if she was dating you you must be amazing right.

    either way through her you could shape the social clique around her to be a place you can make friends. Especially if you have her display interests and plan activities that will attract people who share common interests with you.

    she could be the childhood friend who brings you everywhere. Your wingman on nights out. The one who throws surprise birthday  party’s for you and herds everyone there

  • test as 4 replies to another thread have been deleted

  • Would the robot be able to help me make decisions? Not make them for me, but talk through the options and help me work out the best course of action. Husband hates doing that, he wants me to either just make a decision or let him make it, but I can't make it without discussion and don't want to not have any input into it.

    I supose you could theoretically get one with a more complex AI, then it would be an Android like Data from Star Trek. Slight smile

  • Have you heard of lists?

    A list of problems with lists:

    1. when I write a list I don't always remember all the things that need to go on it.

    2. when I remember one of the things I left off the list, the list is not always at hand to be added to.

    3. when I get the list to add the thing I have forgotten what needed to be added, or forget there was even a thing to be added.

    4. I forget to look at the list.

    5. I'm sure there was something else, but I can't think what?

    The robot might be useful to answer my husband when he asks me the same question for the nth time. But he does a lot of the things a robot would be useful for, just maybe not quite as well as a robot would, and with more grumbling... still, I do appreciate him.

    Would the robot be able to help me make decisions? Not make them for me, but talk through the options and help me work out the best course of action. Husband hates doing that, he wants me to either just make a decision or let him make it, but I can't make it without discussion and don't want to not have any input into it.

  • I'd just want a robot that could provide companionship and support when I'm sad and struggling. I'd also like one that did the housework when I felt really overwhelmed and unable to do stuff myself.

  • I think that I would like my robot to be a shapeshifting human-dog-horse familiar.
    I would like it to help me with the daily tasks, for companionship, and to be able to interface with its perceptions through telepathic bond.
    I would also like it to be loyal and to work solely towards my immediate welfare/protection when I am unconscious or overloaded/shutdown/ melted-down.
    I would also like it to be intellectual capable of augmenting my capabilities and to coordinate with me in a passive and active way. I would also like it to have a keen wit.

  • I would certainly opt for a robot that is top end technology with identical build, look and voice that looks like me... They will effectively do everything I would do but don't want to because it involves high levels of masking (i.e., tolerate visits from family, smile and nod when my husband goes on and on about some media trivia that doesn't interest me at all, etc.) Or simply too little time (cooking, cleaning the house yes please but leave the organisation to me.. I would like to do that myself)

  • Debbie, I think we married the same man!

    Pass the robot to my house when they're done at yours please!Sweat smile

  • I'd like one that can do the housework! I do have a little one that cleans the windows but sadly it's not very versatile and I still have to remember to use it. In an ideal world I'd have one robot that can do all the jobs around the house AND remember when they need doing.

  • my doing things relies on me doing them the very second I think to do them or else I forget to do it for a week

    Have you heard of lists?

    I couldn't survive without mine.

    I'd be wallowing in a trough of nothingness.


    I just learnt a new word Relaxed

    I'd like a robot to finish all the half done jobs in the house and start and finish the new ones (like where I removed the stair carpet many months ago with a view to renovating the stairs and it still looks like a stairs in an abandoned house).

    I'd like a robot to do ALL the household tasks as they are so tedious.

    I have OCD too so if I trusted the robot enough, I'd get them to check 5 times that the doors, windows, everything, is locked and then go and wash my hands several times for me.

    I think it would be nice to have a robot that talked to my husband when he is particularly chatty so that I can continue to hibernate.

    He talks about interesting things but it's often about films and TV programmes and I watch neither and I find talking and listening a strain.

    I'll need to give this some thought but I'm sure I could come up with more.

    Is the robot allowed to go to work for me and give me the money?  Thinking