
Do you sit awkwardly, and prefer certain seats? I don’t like eating at the table as I feel like I am perched on the chairs, even though they are relatively comfortable. I prefer my dinner on my lap on the comfort of my sofa. If I have soup, (or use my computer), I tend to sit on the floor Grimacing

I sort of sit on my side on the sofa, or I perch in the corner of the sofa diagonally, or I sit with my legs outstretched on the sofa, with my back resting on the arm. I don’t feel relaxed and I’m never comfortable.
The other day I was sat with my knees apart and bent at right angles, with feet on tip toes on the floor in front of me. Heels resting on the bottom of the sofa. My friend asked me why I was sat like that, and I said oh, I don’t know, and we laughed.  Sometimes I sit with one leg wide hanging over the arm of the chair. That is comfortable. But not very ladylike. Good job I only wear jeans!

  • I don't sit on chairs in the "standard" way because I'm too short for my feet to reach the ground and on most chairs my back doesn't reach the backrest unless I slouch because the seat is longer than my thighs. It is painful to sit in a chair for very long, unless I have something to rest my feet on. I often carry a backpack with me for the sole reason of using it as a footstool when out in public.

    I find the floor more comfortable to sit on than 99% of chairs.

    I went to an event in a primary school once and was like "omg it is possible to sit in a chair and have it not be painful!" Revelatory. If I ever manage to move into my own or an unfurnished place I will only purchase children's furniture for it.

  • I don't sit on chairs in the "standard" way because I'm too short for my feet to reach the ground and on most chairs my back doesn't reach the backrest unless I slouch because the seat is longer than my thighs. It is painful to sit in a chair for very long, unless I have something to rest my feet on. I often carry a backpack with me for the sole reason of using it as a footstool when out in public.

    I find the floor more comfortable to sit on than 99% of chairs.

    I went to an event in a primary school once and was like "omg it is possible to sit in a chair and have it not be painful!" Revelatory. If I ever manage to move into my own or an unfurnished place I will only purchase children's furniture for it.

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