Randomly Saying Things Out Loud

Sometimes, and for no particular reason, I say something out loud. I’m not sure if this is some sort of manifestation of Tourette’s, it isn’t usually anything obscene, I sometimes surprise myself and am left wondering why I said it as it seems to have  no relevance to anything. I also count under my breath as I’m walking, sometimes people hear me mumbling and I’m immediately embarrassed. I’ve always done this, but only recently come to the conclusion that it might be an autistic thing…anybody else do this weird stuff?

  • Exactly, same thing here, though sometimes I just blurt something out..

  • I think maybe that’s your guardian angel, looking out for you!

  • Yes, it’s all too commonplace these days, I just tend to blurt out odd words, without any particular relevance to anything, usually, but not always if I’m stressed.

  • I find it most amusing that you had been unaware that you had been humming the 'Funeral March', and oblivious to the discomfort of your colleague. Laughing

  • I used to wonder what was going on when I first started seeing individuals walk past my house, having an animated conversation, and no sign of another person, or a mobile phone being held against their ear. I'd be looking out of my window wondering if they were OK. This was in the early days of Bluetooth headsets for mobile phones. Wink

  • I learned about my subconcious and autonomic nervous system as a nipper, so I've always thought of parts of myself as being "separately addressable".

    A "composite", if you will.  

  • Not sure if what I do is the same as you, but if I'm in a shop and searching for an item, I find myself repeatedly saying the name of that item out loud.

  • There have been occasions when I have left my house, and then realised moments later that I've forgotten something I need. This often results in me uttering something along the lines of, "Damn!"

    I do a similar thing when I have walked from one end of my local town to the other, and then remembered that I've forgotten something I need to get from the end of town I've just walked from.

    At home, I sometimes randomly make sounds, or randomly utter a quote from a film.

  • This thread reminds me of something I meant to bring up and see if anyone does the same thing. I do sometimes talk aloud to myself, only ever in private and when I'm trying to either shake myself out of inertia or need to rigorously think something through in forensic detail. Somehow it can help sustain focus, and in a way it's a bit of a stim.

    Anyway, in that first scenario (and only that first one), I've noticed that I use 'we' rather than 'I' a lot. So, if, for example, I'm trying to collect my thoughts around a to-do list and maybe taking action on one or two things I'll say 'Right, what are we doing and where are we going first?' or 'Have we got all we need before we head out here?' It may be residual from when one of my parents would say something like that back in childhood on behalf of them and myself both. Or maybe there's some unconscious leaking of a fluid identity of sorts - nothing as 'extreme' as multiple personalities, but maybe a not entirely anchored sense of my definitive 'self'. 

    I'm curious whether this is common or uncommon, or if anyone her does that/has noticed it in themself. Anyone willing to say either way, I appreciate it. Not sure I've witnessed it in anyone else (talking about stuff they will be doing solo with a self-referential  'we' or 'us'), even family members who might be expected to be most likely - if anyone- have the same quirk.

  • Simple madness - I assume autistic people can be stark raving loonies too ?
    A couple of days ago, I found myself saying, on repeat, in a very thick scottish accent (no, I'm not Scottish)  "Mary had a little lamb, Mary had a little lamb, Mary had a little lamb"  I think I became aware of what I was doing it after a couple of minutes, but carried on for about 15 minutes after that.  


    It's odd, what you do, isn't it.  Unusual I think.

    With regard to 'looniness', my mum definitely sometimes made me wonder, but then I think that the paranoia and delusions could be put within a mental health 'illness' category of some kind.

    However, regarding what you do, you are aware that you are doing it (my mum obviously believed what she said so lacked self awareness) and yet it's an uncontrollable impulse with you.

    I don't know whether it fits within any 'category'.

    I wonder what it's down to.


  • I'm becoming interested in the tourette's connection, and the possibly to extract some humour from my condition..

    I've just been told to stop it, as I'm making one of the cats nervous.

  • I asked 'why' and she said because it was the 'Funeral March' (Chopin).

    I think les misrable was mentioned as a more common one with me. I had been listening to it a lot around when I started the job.

  • I also blurt under stress or cringe. Sometimes it's just fragments of sentences or things I think might have made the conversation better.

  • I can remember sitting on the loo as a child, and for some reason we had a calendar in there. I saw the words May Day and started saying them on repeat, enjoying the way they sound, and then my mum stuck her head in the door and got all angry because she thought I needed help.

    Loos are good thinking places.

  • A couple of days ago, I found myself saying, on repeat, in a very thick scottish accent (no, I'm not Scottish)  "Mary had a little lamb, Mary had a little lamb, Mary had a little lamb"  I think I became aware of what I was doing it after a couple of minutes, but carried on for about 15 minutes after that.  Now I think that's messed up!?  I mean, WTAF ?  I have no idea why.  I was not aware of stress or needing to soothe.  Simple madness - I assume autistic people can be stark raving loonies too ?

    I talk to myself out loud ALL the time.  Normally instructions to myself or debating some options with myself.  I warn people that I can sound like a madman.  Thinking about it, I probably am !

  • I count steps - for literally miles.  924 steps = half mile generally.  Out loud towards the end of each 100.

  • when thinking about stuff or stressed maybe... i do blurt out things out loud and they can be more likely bad things that will get me demonised and hated if heard. it seems to be a salve for a troubled mind, to randomly blurt out the most offensive thing automatically. the more taboo the thing you blurt out the more it seems to attract the automatic blurt out and the more taboo the more it soothes your mind for a tiny period.

    i often find that thinking on things i have done that makes me feel cringe or feel regret would also provoke this blurt out of a random offensive word. but luckily controlled more in public, in private without expending the effort i let it go ham... control can slip when stress is high enough or when i am in a public toilet in a cubicle taking a piss, perhaps the cubicle makes me feel im in a private space and sets my mind in that lower energy mode of not needing to restrain itself too much.

  • Verbs on the loo, great! I sometimes stick some vocab where I can see it on the loo, but I don't spend a long time there, so it's more effective by the bed.

  • That is a cool story. I flew a handful of times in a glider and it was lovely. Not a cheap hobby though! I did it through a uni club.

  • Yep! It's an autistic thing or a torette thing ( they are related). Happens to me too...often when I'm sitting on the loo...don't ask me why, just does. Why the loo, no clue. 

    Best bet is just laugh at yourself for it. It's one of those mysterious things. It's harmless, just a thing.

    Other times, I find myself conjugating verbs in assorted languages on the loo. No clue why. What is it about the loo? Lol