Randomly Saying Things Out Loud

Sometimes, and for no particular reason, I say something out loud. I’m not sure if this is some sort of manifestation of Tourette’s, it isn’t usually anything obscene, I sometimes surprise myself and am left wondering why I said it as it seems to have  no relevance to anything. I also count under my breath as I’m walking, sometimes people hear me mumbling and I’m immediately embarrassed. I’ve always done this, but only recently come to the conclusion that it might be an autistic thing…anybody else do this weird stuff?

  • I do this too :) 

    I think it is definitely an autism thing

    I mean we are all really interesting and we've got a lot to say but often no one to listen so why not just randomly speak to ourselves ^^

    It doesn't have to mark sense ;) 

  • I know that feeling.

  • I was alone in the car this morning when I randomly yelled out, “flying ants!”…I honestly have no idea why I said it, it just came out. I wasn’t angry about anything or even thinking about flying ants…Totally bizarre!

  • "Hurting God" is more readily accomplished by simply denying him.

    Not sure why anyone would want to do that, seems a bit like pi55ing into the wind, but it takes all sorts to make a world, I guess.

    Now hurting the devil, THAT I can get behind. Particularly as it involved living as nice and pleasant life as is possible. Even if your faith is as weak as my own, just a quick glance reveals that the devil symbolises misninformation, dishonesty, selfishness, rapine, etc... 

    You don't have to be a Christian or Religious nut to fight evil, you merely need to be able to recognise it and have the will to oppose it.

    OO dear, I said it out loud...

  • Yes, one expression my Friend came up for my manerisms that are automatic but that I can control is Autistic Tick, as opposed to true Tourettes ticks that are involuntary.

  • My random sentences (which aren't subconsciously rehearsed and the onlly thing I control is wether or not I open my mouth, not what is going to come out) are harmless. But when I get frustrated with my only real enemy in life: TIME, my mind very occassionally gos to the (OK I have a sick sense of humour so it's nowhere near the darkest, but) most violent place (God created me and my brain and bloody time so I'd like to hurt him by smashing a inocent little tolddler)

  • The Loo is a big one. Or the bath. Or the shower. It is shower singing that is most relatable to normies I'd imagine. Wherever you are quiet and alone with your thoughts. The thing is I'm only intending to have a piss, so this can be really bad for my productivity as I've got a small bladder. But most importantly. My problem is mainly the imaginary conversations, so any trip where I sit on the toilet is a risk of losing more time to this as I lose control of my time management.

  • I basically do all the things described here, so I have more than a single anecdote, I have been there and got the T-shirt. I have imaginary conversations with either a specific person or a general listener all the time. I have mild asperger's so as you would expect this manifested itself in public when I was a child and the autism was obvious (by today's standards, took them all of primary school to diagnose). I had imaginary worlds that I would act out in my mind. This transistioned into me having imaginary conversations with my self whenever my subconscience thinks Im alone, which isn't entirely reliable. But what you are talking about is the tourrettes like random utterences. These are the same in that my semi-conscious brain is largely successful in controlling this around others. But this is the extent of my control. I can't not have the imaginary conversations. It's a compulsion that is the only real reason that I don't work. It is what I end up doing when I'm on my own, and is so diffcult to concentrate that I am not productive enough to really ever get around to be back in full time work since I got depressed and first stopped looking for work 14 years ago.So consider me the expert on the airing thoughts out loud Most Autistic people are further into the spectrum and maybe do work but have other symptons that seriously effect them and are not just difficulties that they can get over with the help of their friends, but for me it is the ONE THING. So this is why I'm here. Trying to find a way to be a functioning adult! Back to the tourettesy words. I have a very strong personality, every order or reprimand Iv ever recieved from a superior has always goine through the 'do I agree' filter, even orders given me in the army always go through this basic process. So when teachers told me off and I thought they were being unfair I started to say basically random numbers as I calculated in my mind how fair they were being. Being a bit random in the conversation can be what I do when I'm not sure how I feel about how the other person is being and feel pressured and think they should back off and give me space. In truth I don't know when it started, but this is the EXACT ANSWER TO WHY I DO IT: I say a random sentence in responce to a memory that makes me cringe. What's really weird about memory cringes is that they are not even logical. Starting from the following night whilst you are in your bed one get;s irratkionally cringy about what you remember saying. It is a weird neuro-typical phenomenon that a have a tourettes response to. Yes, my singing is also often involutary (me only able to notice and stop it at some point after I've started),  but at least that is more neoro-typical and understandable as it is a tune that is in your head.

  • You are welcome to it Relaxed️ hehe. I often think neurotypicaks  are the ones with a disorder not us. Such is life lol

  • "In the scheme of things, it's not really that big of a deal but becomes one when someone has a shitty attitude and anything outside of morning television startles them".

    I'm stealing that!

    It encapsulates my experience of the normies perfectly.

  • I do this often, for example ill suddenly blurt out of *** tomatoes or appear to be talking to myself. I don't see this as a problem it's what our minds want to do and if it feels good then do it, it doesn't affect anyone other than their narrow-minded judgement. I have tics so sometimes when I am stressed it will be word of the month from things, I've picked up audibly i.e., oscillation or snarf snarf from Thundercat's. In the scheme of things, it's not really that big of a deal but becomes one when someone has a shitty attitude and anything outside of morning television startles them. It's very much an autistic trait and its absolutely OK. Speak loud and proud and O bollocks bread lol

  • I do, I always have. I do it and don't even think about it and say it when I probably shouldn't as well. 

  • An interesting thread ! I've started doing this over the past decade or so, particularly when I'm recollecting bad things that have happened where I've been emotionally challenged in the past. The phrases seem to be an involuntary reaction to emotional pain. It was starting to worry me a bit, it's reassuring to hear that other people do it too, and interesting to hear that some of the phrases I say are said by other people too.

  • Sometimes you'll get me blurting stuff out whilst walking down the street, usually my phrase of repetition is 'I hate myself'. I don't have that sentiment so strongly and am not that pessimistic in outlook, but that is seemingly fixed and here to stay for a while. Though not verbal, when I feel the 'cringe' which can cause me to say the forementioned phrase, I may slow my walking noticeably, as if to try shaking off the negativity and put my foot down on the train of thought continuing. I look around when I blurt out with it, which body language only adds to my sense of lack of belonging. I liken it to having a demon (not at all religious or superstitious, but not afraid to use to overuse simile) since the cringe I feel is automated. I've become quite accustomed to the types of scenario the cringe will surface. It is like a masked murderer who steps up behind me and threatens me with a knife to my throat but never slashes, and I can never see the knifeman, but I can learn to keep calm. I think that is why I don't mask like I have heard masking being described; the enemy is inside my head and that is if not my reality, a belief which I follow. I have made a fool of myself in the past but it is only recently i have felt the cringe set in and really hurt, and it has really affected how comfortable I feel around public and holding friends, such that I keep minimal contact with everyone but my partner now, even my dad. I think the blurting out loud and the cringe which causes the blurting, amongst other things, happens as a form of negative reinforcement to stop it happening again. But the problem is I'm too trigger happy, and I wonder if behind that sits excess caution. There is definitely some twisted learned behaviour involved in why I think like this, to do with the wiring of the brain. It makes people misunderstand me when I say that I don't want friends or acquaintances; they think it is arbitrary choice rather than effect from an underlying cause. Better post this before it depresses me much more!

  •  my son he talks out loud, but only since being on antipsychotics drugs which he is just withdrawing from after 13 years, he is almost 30. But you saying what you have said might be a compilation of the drugs plus beinfg Autistic. Staff at hospital used to say he was talking to people and psychotic. but the few realised he was acting out his computer game or a convo, but he woluld play all the parts, i have heard him.

    thanks for posting this Slight smile

  • Yes I do that to! I do it shopping for food and clothes and when I reading list of buses I read them all out when I'm looking for my bus. I've always done it.

  • I'm always talking to myself about things I'm doing, mostly under my breath, say when supermarket shopping etc however, the last 10 years has been becoming gradually more and more stressful to the point now where I am proper moaning about people / things sometimes at normal speaking volume which has added extra stress to the relationship to say the least.

  • Brilliant, this sort of strange and random stuff is precisely the nonsense I come out with. I think that, and counting out loud are sometimes things I do when I’m walking and would otherwise be rather bored…weird eh..

  • Yes, most definitely. If I’m thinking of something I’ve done that makes me want to cringe or feel embarrassed then, I’m likely to blurt out all kinds of random stuff…the really rings true with me.

  • Glad it’s not just me then! It’s not got me into trouble, so I just accept it, I guess it’s a kind of mild Tourette’s, but just another manifestation of neural divergence..