Natural remedies

Seen a lot of people on here talking about diet and natural remedies for things, eg foods that can help certain conditions and stuff like that, apple a day, that sort of thing

Does anyone have any tips for me on that? My health, mentally and phsycally has not been great this year. Ever since having covid in January my chest has been quite bad and everything seems to set it off. My asthma has been really bad this year too, I used to be able to play football and run loads but now Im out of breath after a couple of minutes. Often feel lethargic and lacking in energy and achy and my mental health isnt great.

My little boy has terrible asthma too so anything to eat thats good for asthma will help him too

Any ideas for all this would be really welcome 

  • ,

    I find that I benefit from making my meals from scratch and using less processed foods.  I have a lot of sensitivities to chemicals so can only eat specific things.  I buy organic foods as often as I can and try to make my own bread as much as possible and eat homemade cooking.  I often lack the motivation as I am in pain much of the time but I do feel a difference doing this.  I'm planning on taking a probiotic/prebiotic remedy because my brother who has gut problems has noticed vast improvements in his digestion etc from religiously taking the supplements.

    Best of luck.

  • I'm currently halfway through the ZOE diet program by Tim Spectre. It's not cheap, but after the initial testing I now know for definite what food is good for me a d which is bad. I've lost half a stone, and have loadsore energy. It's been mind blowing to be honest.

    I chose to do this after over a decade of nutritional research to fix a digestive disease.

    Strongly recommend to everyone

  • Thats really interesting, I will get some B6

    Ive heard Papaya is very good for anxiety and for general health

  • Ordered some, this evening, from Amazon; coming Wednesday.

  • Oh, thanks, I had not realised cod had any (except of course the liver which tends to be consumed separately from the fish!) We eat quite a lot of fish, maybe half our meals.

  • I found that probiotic capsules ("Biokult") helped with my asthma, as counterintuitive as that might seem. It used to be thought that healthy lungs were sterile, but it is not true, lungs have a 'microbiome'. There is a paper that claims that a healthy gut microbiome influences the lung microbiome, but the mechanism behind this was not investigated.

  • All fish have useful oils - cod livers have lots - but the flesh varies in its oil/fat content. Cod - preferably not battered - would be a lot healthier than most mammal or bird meat.

  • Hi, I’ve started taking vitamin B6 P5P. I can’t absorb B6, even from food so I take the P5P version which I can absorb.  This is what the benefits are listed as. Obviously it’s different for everyone, I started taking it for anxiety.




    cardiovascular disease

    carpal tunnel syndrome




    immune enhancement

    kidney stones

    nausea and vomiting during pregnancy


    premenstrual syndrome

  • I've heard lungwort supplements can help with breathing or coughs for adults but do your research! Also I didn't know that some inhalers have a massive carbon footprint.  Not health related but definitely worth reading! I find mindfulness helps. Doesn't stop the physical things but helps taking the edge off dealing with them.

  • I don't think cod has the healthy fats? It's what they call oily fish like salmon and some others, sorry i can't recall them all but if you google oily fish.

  • Vitamin D3, B12, Co-Enzyme Q 10,Turmeric and Gentle Iron.

  • I actually find the opposite of this advice helpful. Fats and fiber just send me running to the loo several times a day (I tried giving it a chance for a few years to "let my system adjust" but it didn't) whereas refined carbs make it easier to get enough calories. For years I was wondering why I was so tired all the time, then changed my diet to include a lot more white carbs, gained 5kg, and feel much better - unless I do silly amounts of exercise and don't compensate for it by increasing calories, then it's back to feeling terrible for a day or two.

  • What supplements do you buy? I didnt know oranges helped with the cold either

    I love covent garden soups, especailly potato and leek

  • I love my fish.

    Also, I buy supplements at Holland and Barrett. 

    I have plenty of oranges, and soup, to deal with the cold. 

  • lol that made me smile. I dont smoke, I like a drink but never enough to get drunk. 

    Fish is healthy fats too isnt it? Must try eating more cod. 

    I do like a stir fry especially with some chow mein sauce

  • Do you smoke and drink ?  I do and i am out of breath typing this. Seriously though. eat plenty of fruit and veg ( Low carbs ) and healthy fats ( olive oil) I bung all veg in a wok and do a stir fry, good for fibre also and fills you up. ( Add some prawns )