Autism + ADHD combined female presentation- What's your lived experience?


I'm currently being assessed for Autism (I'm female and in my late 40's) and it's been suggested that I may also reach the threshold for ADHD. 

My understanding of the combined presentation of autism plus ADHD is limited at this stage.

I would love to hear from females who have this combined type, their strengths, challenges and things that they have discovered to them help manage their difficulties. 

Many thanks,


  • Wow, just wow. Again I  late to the party on this thread, and life, but have any of you seen / heard of the TV series Orphan Black - its a Canadian Sci-Fi/Thriller kind of show.

    I ask because as I was reading through dome of you descriptions, I had an image from that show of suddenly having many sisters I was unaware of... (something like that happens later in the show). Hope that doesn't sound creepy, it was a nice thought like, gosh that's so similar, which does not happen a lot. 

    Can I ask if any folks get that feeling of contradicting yourself, like I find Uncertainty really hard when it comes to pinning down plans with friends, but then find myself flaking out on plans with friends - however on reflection that might just be more recently while I've been trying to to recover from Burn out. (side note - super interested to learn how folks here may have experienced burn out, managed fatigue with that.

    Also, short term memory issues, is that a processing issue, an attention issue, or would that be something to ask a health professional about checking for any issues with my hedad. *Head.

    Habit is to apologise for the length, sporadic thoughts of this post (but, old habits die hard? 'for a couple of minutes and then')


  • Wow, just wow. Again I  late to the party on this thread, and life, but have any of you seen / heard of the TV series Orphan Black - its a Canadian Sci-Fi/Thriller kind of show.

    I ask because as I was reading through dome of you descriptions, I had an image from that show of suddenly having many sisters I was unaware of... (something like that happens later in the show). Hope that doesn't sound creepy, it was a nice thought like, gosh that's so similar, which does not happen a lot. 

    Can I ask if any folks get that feeling of contradicting yourself, like I find Uncertainty really hard when it comes to pinning down plans with friends, but then find myself flaking out on plans with friends - however on reflection that might just be more recently while I've been trying to to recover from Burn out. (side note - super interested to learn how folks here may have experienced burn out, managed fatigue with that.

    Also, short term memory issues, is that a processing issue, an attention issue, or would that be something to ask a health professional about checking for any issues with my hedad. *Head.

    Habit is to apologise for the length, sporadic thoughts of this post (but, old habits die hard? 'for a couple of minutes and then')


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