
At the moment, im struggling with insomnia. I've been working hard this year and feel burnt out. At night I wake up at 2 or 3am and my body, in my stomach just below my ribs in the centre, feels like I am running a motor, a fast pulsing.

Does anyone else get this? It feels like what I imagine mania to be?

  • Hi

    I have had insomnia for twelve years.  I had it as a child too, but then it went away when I started work.  Now I can't work it has returned.

    I have tried many things, and I think that may be the key.  Finding what works for you and keep looking.

    I need to change my bedding, pillows etc, but can't afford to at the moment.

    I have however invested in a really good app called bettersleep.  They do a free trial.  It includes meditations, stories, AMSR noises that you can mix, a sleep tracker, and music..... I am using it during the day also. What I really like is that you can play the meditations on a continuous loop indefinately, so it isn't necessary to keep fiddling with glasses/iPad etc.

    I also have an audible book I listen to - a Ruth Rendall, nothing gory.  However, I have NO idea what it is about, I just use it to have the voice drone on all night.  

    Lavendar oil on your pillow can help.  A hot water bottle is kinda cosey.  A cushion or soft toy.  Nice pajamas.  Soft lighting...I have some fairy lights by the side of the bed, like christmas lights.....basically anything that relaxes you and puts you into a nice place...

    Just some ideas.  I am still working on it, and any ideas you find will be welcomed!

    All the best 

  • I usually wake about 3-4am at this time of year (4-5am in summer). I've learned to just accept it and go to bed early to compensate. Staying up later doesn't result in sleeping later, just makes me more tired.

    I don't get the pulsing thing. Although I am always able to feel my heartbeat (without putting hand to chest or fingers to a pulse point) if I sit quietly without distraction.

  • Id wondered about interoception, thanks for mentioning this again. Hypersensitivity in general causes me so many issues. But how do I dull my senses? Hmm

    Really exhausted by having to avoid things that might be over sensitising now

  • I rely on audiobooks at the moment if I wake up in the night. I used to listen to various ‘talk’ radio channels but the conversations on those have become so depressing in recent years due to all that’s been going on. So I find audiobooks are really helpful.

  • I experience something similar which affects my sleep.

    It is a pulsating sensation from various pulse points around my body. It can be in my head, neck, back, ribs or even arms and legs. Whichever side I lie on it is worse on that side, if I turn over the sensation moves.

    After being told by GPs for years that it is due to anxiety, I recently discovered on here that it is actually an autistic sensory issue. The official term is hypersensitive interoception. It means that I am much more aware of my own internal body sensations. I experience it during the day as well. However at night, when there is little to distract me from the sensations, it can make it hard to sleep.

    The best technique I have found is distraction. I listen to an audio book or a you tube video about one of my interests. I keep my eyes covered with an eye mask while listening, so that I am not affected by the light from the screen. I usually drop off to sleep before the end of whatever I am listening to.

  • Thanks guys.

    No I've been up since 3 today, and yesterday. I tend to run out of steam by lunchtime and often get a migraine as well.

    Nice to hear I'm not alone at least. And yes, the pulsing heart rhythm on my ribs if I lay on my left side is torment!

    I need to take some time off

    Grin Thanks for the stellar advice! I'm often my own worst enemy

  • I can assure you that it has nothing to do with mania. Judging from what you wrote it sounds more psychosomatic. Physical symptoms like the one you describe could be related to anxiety and stress, especially if you are feeling burned out and had a lot on your plate lately. Can you fall asleep again afterwards?

  • I sometimes can't lie on my left as it feels like my heart is hammering away at my ribs and is very uncomfortable.  I tend to wake at around 11:30, last night was quite bad I had to get up and read for  couple of hours before I could get back to sleep.

  • hi, I told my doctor's no one helps me anymore. i have been suffering from insomnia for 2 years now and I'm not too fond of it when no one believes me. IDK what to do anymore tbh. does anyone else have any suggestions on how to help with insomnia?

  • Not exactly the same but most mornings I wake at about 2:45 and then have lots of noise in my stomach until I get up which is about at 6:30. Not exactly sure why. 

    Insomnia is something I've had for a while. Usually only get a few hours of proper sleep.