

It’s another one of those questions that keeps my mind ticking. During my time working in schools and as a youth worker, (and just in every day situations) I’ve been noticing patterns of people that are addicted to drinking any form of coca-cola. I’ve noticed that a lot of autistic/adhd people have said that they are addicted to fizzy drinks, being coca-cola in particular. I know I’m a huge coca-cola fan (and I know it’s a really bad habit and all the negatives that comes with it) but I cannot stop drinking it, it’s an addiction. 

My first question is, does anyone else know of someone else, or have themselves, a coca-cola addiction, and if this is something that people on the spectrum tend to get easily addicted to?

Secondly, I always wonder why coca-cola/any fizzy drink addiction, isn’t treated like an addiction or taken seriously? People say stop drinking it but I find it really difficult to stop. What’s people’s thoughts and do you think it should be taken seriously by health professionals and others? 

side note, I’m wondering if it’s like and OCD obsessive disorder or something, the more I think about it. But I just wanted to know what others thought. 

  • I presumed it was the caffeine. I have never liked coke for the favour as well as the large amount of fizz, but I do miss coffee if I don't have it.

  • I'm exactly the same with coffee. I drink far too much of it (unless I have a migraine) and am a terrible grouch if I go for too long without my coffee fix. What I find interesting though is that most coffee drinkers seem to favour the taste of freshly ground coffee, whereas I tend to favour instant coffee.

  • I am a ridiculously heavy coffee drinker.  I love the damn stuff....and like you I MUCH prefer the taste, temperature and texture of a simple instant coffee.  My preference often seems to really irritate people for some reason (especially people who have fancy-ass coffee machines.)

  • I am a ridiculously heavy coffee drinker.  I love the damn stuff....and like you I MUCH prefer the taste, temperature and texture of a simple instant coffee.  My preference often seems to really irritate people for some reason (especially people who have fancy-ass coffee machines.)

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