Favourite animals

Just wondered what everyone's favourite animals and living creatures were? As I find animals seem a lot nicer than humans most of the time

I love hippos. There are 3 hippos at the zoo I go to and I love to just sit and watch them walk around their grass and splash in their pool. I find it funny how hippos spray their poo with their tail too. I love rhinos as well, there is something so peaceful about rhinos. As soon as I start looking at them I feel at peace

My favourite thing to do is feed the ducks. I love sitting by the river watching the ducks, geese and swans and feeding them. It clears my head more than anything and makes me so happy. I find I have real connection to them too, they eat out of my hand. I feel like they are my friends 

  • Cats, all types, domestic and wild. Of the big cats, my favourite would be the tiger. I'm not keen on white tigers as they are largely an artificially bred human creation, plus they are not as aesthetically pleasing as the black and orange wild type.

    I also have a soft spot for deer. At five years old I fed a stag grapes in open parkland in Belgium, I remember the antlers curving above and around me. I was entirely unafraid, though my parents were a bit concerned to put it mildly. When the grapes were finished the stag just lifted his head and quietly backed away.

  • Cats, all types, domestic and wild. Of the big cats, my favourite would be the tiger. I'm not keen on white tigers as they are largely an artificially bred human creation, plus they are not as aesthetically pleasing as the black and orange wild type.

    I also have a soft spot for deer. At five years old I fed a stag grapes in open parkland in Belgium, I remember the antlers curving above and around me. I was entirely unafraid, though my parents were a bit concerned to put it mildly. When the grapes were finished the stag just lifted his head and quietly backed away.

  • If you can just "be", standing in the presence of one or more wild deer - it is simply magical and a huge privilege in my opinion.  Happened to me a few weeks ago - we were about 50 foot from each other and just stood for about 5 minutes.