Being autistic and Christian

I just wanted to start a thread to see what the experiences of any other autistic Christians are? As an autistic person who didn't know I was autistic until later life I have had an up and down relationship with my faith over the years. I have had some very bad experiences in church too, I know a lot of autistic people struggle with church for many reasons too.

Im not trying to convert or preach to anyone and I appreciate a lot of people on here aren't religious or anything but it would be really interesting and comforting to hear any experiences of fellow autistic Christians 

  • I too didn't realize I was autistic until later in life. The thing I find hard is going into church on my own and deciding where to sit. Church is a social place. I am ok talking to individuals I know but find speaking to those I don't know difficult. I enjoy singing with others but have found it hard to move from watching online to going physically, so just go occasionally when I don't feel too overstimulated or exhausted by the previous week. Sometimes it is easier being Christian without the socializing.

    Love to know of any positive experiences of churches making adjustments for autistic people.

  • Sometimes it is easier being Christian without the socializing.

    I can really relate to that, that's a really good way of putting it

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