sensory issues


I have noticed recently that my sensory issues are a lot worse in the morning, especially with sound. My wife's daily conference call is grating to the ears, I have to often ask her to speak softer, when someone comes downstairs and turns on the lights I have a spike of irritation, I keep noticing small sounds that I don't normally hear like the ceiling fan etc.

Does anyone else have this issue? Why does it happen? Is it normal?

Fwiw I am recently self-diagnosed and working on getting my formal diagnosis but money is tight and I have enough issues as is.

  • Mine tends to be first thing in the morning, my wife gets up before me and likes to put the tv and radio on and then whistle loudly. I have to put on noise cancelling earphones. If I’ve been out and had to cope with other people then I can spike quite easily. Went to our village pub and there were scented candles lit on the bar, felt sick and then could feel myself getting overwhelmed.

  • Mine tends to be first thing in the morning, my wife gets up before me and likes to put the tv and radio on and then whistle loudly. I have to put on noise cancelling earphones. If I’ve been out and had to cope with other people then I can spike quite easily. Went to our village pub and there were scented candles lit on the bar, felt sick and then could feel myself getting overwhelmed.

  • I know exactly what you mean about the scented candles. At my office, the reception area on the main concourse had an artificial smell blown in, (at Christmas it was pine needles and mulled wine) and I had to hold my breath until I got in the lift. I had to complain about it but nothing was done.... "because it's a nice smell". This is of course, subjective. Perfume on the commute is a real killer for me, and when they sell perfume on the duty free on a plane, and they all start puffing it around.

    Especially know what you mean about when you're out socializing, as people raise their voices don't they, more and more to compete over each other. Some of the ladies I've worked with in the past had a particularly high tone in their voices that cut my eardrums into shreds!