At breaking point with my sons behaviour

Hi, I really feel like I’m at breaking point, my son who’s 8 and autistic is driving me to the point where I don’t want to be at home anymore, I’m at my wits end with it all, his behaviour when he’s on his own is great but as soon as one of his siblings enters the room where he is all hell breaks out, they don’t even do anything and he starts saying mum tell them they are annoying me, then they react as they aren’t and then it just ends up in a major argument/meltdown and my son will pick things up and threaten to throw them, I know this doesn’t sound like much but when it’s happening every single day it’s horrendous, he then gets angry with me because I’m not telling them off and it’s just a vicious circle, day in day out, even my other kids are starting to say to him if you didn’t live here there would be no trouble, which I feel bad about as he obviously can’t help his behaviour but I don’t know what I can do, no matter what I try to help the situation nothing works, I feel like a bad mum as in the end I’m shouting at the other kids because instead of just walking away they stay and keep saying things to him which makes things worse, I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall all the time, has anyone dealt with similar, It feels like my house is a war zone and we can never do anything as a family because it’s so stressful and my sons so unpredictable.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi. Most of the time I am in the room and it could be one of the others has just come for a drink and as soon as they walk past he starts saying stop annoying me. Mum their annoying me and they haven’t done anything, I will say but they aren’t doing anything and he just says yes they are there annoying me, then it just escalates as the others will say I’ve not done anything and then they start bickering and name calling and it doesn’t stop until I’m practically yelling my head off, I’m so fed up of shouting, my sons behaviour isn’t like this at school, he has his moments and meltdowns but from the second I pick them up from school it starts even before we leave the school grounds sometimes, it’s so mentally draining, I get to the point where I’m crying as I just can’t cope, I’ve spoke to the doctor a while ago who said speak to the school, but to be honest they aren’t great and it’s me always having to chase things up, I’m thinking of ringing the doctor again tomorrow, I know they can’t do anything medically for him but I feel like I’m struggling so bad. He’s the sweetest and loving little boy when he’s alone he just flips so easily and usually over nothing.