Online Test

I know we will likely require a referral from a GP (is it?) to get properly assessed. In the meantime can I ask what is the best Male, adult autistic online (Free) test to take - can also use it when approaching GP so something reputable if possible. 


  • I am 51 and went to my GP in January 2020. Just found out that I will be assesed by the NHS in around 6 months, so be prepared to wait. Alternativley a private assment seems to be average of  £2000. Just did that 50 question test and got 43 if you want to compare. My GP was sympathetic, very little about my early life, I concentrated on what issues are a problem now. How if gets in the way of life, work, relationships etc despite me looking 'normal' from the outside

    Good Luck


  • you do not need to prepare yourself, if you give your GP some details from your childhood, adding difficulties with socialising now, it should be enough for a referral

    I tried many tests waiting for my diagnosis and they all came out about the same

    plus like aidie said, if you impose your own self diagnosis on your GP you might end up misdiagnosed, if you have other things on top of autism

  • to answer your question u can use it as evidence of being autistic but they are not conclusive or able to deal with ADHD or Social anxiety 

  • Upto and over £4K. (IME)

  • All tests are male-biased. The AQ50 and AQ10 are the tests most generally used in the UK. The numbers refer to the number of questions in the test, so the AQ10 is an abbreviated version of the AQ50. The test was developed by Baron-Cohen (not Sacha) so has some academic kudos. A version of the AQ50 can be found here: Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) (

    If you go down the private diagnosis route (cost approx. £1,000) no GP involvement is needed. Also it is much, much quicker.