Suicide Run out of things to try to help

It’s a while since I wrote on here for myself, I’ve been trying loads of ideas to reduce suicidal ideation , but getting caught up with more negatives and discomfort such that it all feels logical to end it all. The latest thing was to try lawyers to see if my plight could be blamed on others, but they wouldn’t support me. The police have been the worst and a big bank who lost me £230000. I should have taken them to court but justice is not easy.

now I just reflect how long I can put up with this.

police convicted me for asking for help . Malicious communication implied suicide threat, for a 1 minute phone call after commencing legal actions, which the bank called harassment, they didn’t want it to happen.

doctors now just observe, Samaritans just listen , police won’t talk to me to explain. They withheld evidence at trial and made white look black. It was all about a computer scam which they made out I thought was real  and distorted the evidence. No one would believe them now and it seems cruel what they did when they knew I was vulnerable 

I feel a burden to all and humiliated and shamed. Some on here put the boot in as well, but I’m not looking for sympathy. I have frontal brain injury and can’t decide anything , but want my story recorded on the internet.

i  found a bbc lot of podcast makers who recorded an interview with me, but I suspect they are waiting for me to die and will then release some edited version to add to the media humiliation that has been  done to me. They did the interview 6 months ago and say it won’t be released until next year as it takes a long time to do a podcast series

I sound like a miserable victim……


  • Dave, you keep fighting this case. It's all you focus on. No wonder it makes you think your life is miserable. I know myself how easy it is to feel like a victim, but your only seeing it from a very narrow perspective and your so caught up in thinking you need someone to blame, your forgetting how much of a toll that inevitably takes on you, and the people around you. Instead of thinking about this fight, perhaps you need to learn to let it go. Perhaps write a book on the subject, use that to help you put it into perspective, you can use it to help other people on the spectrum. Above all, you need to rediscover your own happiness.

  • The victim could sue him in a civil court if they are libelled.

  • Ah I see, I haven't really kept up with all the conversations so I don't know the full story. Perhaps the book could still be written? it just couldn't be published. Perhaps there is a great deal of experience that has been gained that could still be passed on to others without referring to the case. There are ways around it.

  • i cant put the full story up here as it identifies DaveAsperg.

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