Is Autism 'a man's world'?

Please know that I'm not writing this to be deliberately inflammatory or provocative, or to have a go at anyone here, but I just feel so isolated as an Autistic woman. Most other Autistic people I've engaged with are men, and seem to have quite a different presentation and outlook on life to me. They are often very blunt, whereas I'm not. When I get emotional, they don't seem to understand - I've been accused of 'emotionally exploding', for example, simply for expressing that I felt uncomfortable with a conversation. It's more than that, though, to be honest I'm finding it quite hard to explain in logical terms...I just don't feel I fit in in the Autism world or the neurotypical world, and I'm wondering if this is because I'm female. Does anyone else feel this way?

  • to be fair, no one from a rich fancy school is qualified to lead the majority lol

    a leader should be one of the people..... and not even corbyn was that, as corbyn was also a rich fancy boy with a privileged life who didnt know anything what our lives were like. 

    we have a society in which the common man can never get anywhere in politics sadly. and if the common man ever does get into politics they will be called racist and sexist and all the other ist words by the political elite, and they wont have any defence against it for the true common man would be one who doesnt give a toss about words and would use any word they can easily claim any hate crime against. our political system is pretty useless at this point and could do with gutting. hell look at the house of lords, unelected people with political power, how do you get position in house of lords? you get one as a social gift when you become a famous enough celebrity.

  • None of that is accurate.   

    You seem to be looking at politics from the bottom up - but imagine if you were in power looking downwards - you're working at a high-level - the little details are dealt with by local authorities - the government is all about the broad brush - like being a CEO of a big business - you're actually in hard competition with every other country to get investment money.    

    People tend to think that a government is only looking at their own country - it's a hard world out there - you're in competition with countries like China or the US or Russia - all have their secret services spying and paying for pressure groups to destabilise the other countries' governments if they can benefit from a currency falling or businesses going elsewhere.

    Infrastructure is due to the Labour party setting a crazy development policy after WW2 where the new housing estates built then are collapsing - and the ever-expanding development means there's not enough money to maintain liabilities.     HS2 is part of the old 10T Trans-European rail network - the contracts are cast iron and all the brown envelopes have been sent - no going back.

  • Theresa May had a hard time in power because parliament is filled with privately educated men who do not have any basic knowledge of how their own action affect the people they are supposed to represent & constantly belittled her because her actions went against a lot of MPs private or family interests.Theresa May is a terrible example. Margert thatcher would of been a better example 

    Know let's compare both previous male and female prime ministers with new Zealand's prime minister Jacinda Ardern and see if our political system is corrupted  

  • She honestly didn't, The allumi from places like eton pay and fund the conservative party.eton has existed for decades and their influence through their alumni is quite vast and very exclusive. the chances of your daughter getting a decent job in politics is quite low because it all about who you know and less of what you have earnt. 

    those from eton aren't qualified to lead the majority. many of them don't understand basic hardships and fundamental issues that face the working class. David cameron,Boris Johnson, Anthony Eden & Alec Douglas-Home Earl of Home are prime examples of this 

    How many of those in parmilant who hold the greatest power are from male private schools like eton. 

    the prime ministers who attended eton have all failed to create long term sustainable infrastructure, caused many of UK's crisis in the last eighty years.   

  • historically we had alot of female leaders.... just everyone only judges by 1990s and onwards these days.... of which then you only have theresa may, which alot hated.... but yet she didnt even try to be brutal, she actually tried to do a middle ground approach and give both sides what they wanted and thus was rejected by everyone for it and hated. because sitting on the fence generally doesnt get you liked by either side... of which i think that is what probably also burned corbyn alot at first too.

  • There isn't many female leaders to make that judgement on as their haven't been many and that's the point their getting at. Your all be distracted by gender politics again and what's in your pants. the fact of the matter is that establishments exist like Eton that purposely create mens like boris Johnson's who only real reason to be in power or in politics is to make life easy for all those who attended places like eton the 1%. Women have a right to be angry as theirs isn't a single establishment that is female only that gives them as much access to opportunity as male private schools.

    Most of those in power have gotten to where they are because of wealth and not their own merit. Two thirds of Boris Johnson cabinet are from private schools. The majority of those in government aren't even qualified to debate on behalf of 80% of the country.

    We can name and shame female leaders all we like but the list of terrible male leader goes on forever. 

  • Eton is an all boys school their is not female equivalent

    Why isn't there?     60+ years of hardcore feminism - why has the sisterhood not set one up?

    My daughter was privately schooled and attended two of the most prestigious schools in the country - her 6th form was just like Hogwarts and fed exclusively to Oxbridge.     She's had exactly the same opportunities as most politicians.       She chose a different path.

    You might not like it, but Eton produces leaders.

  • I think the point their getting at is their the majority of those in control & power today went to private schools like Eton where the students are granted access to some of the countries top positions just for attending & not for their own merit but family wealth. Eton is an all boys school their is not female equivalent that hold as much opportunity as of which Eton brings. this is clearly giving women a disadvantage in politics and business.  

    some of the labour party and most of the conservative in politics either have attended eton or has family that has attended Eton at some point. The system does look entirely rigged to benefit only the lucky few that attended Eton. 

    But saying that no one from a true working class background has ever had the opportunity to be prime minister to make a real change so instead of gender bashing maybe you blame establishments like Eton that are purposely designed to create clowns/monsters like Boris Johnson. Did you know that two thirds of his cabinet are Eton graduates.  

  • aye but its usually done behind their backs in a back stabby way from what i gather. like how they all treat each other kind and lving to their faces and talk and get along, but then when they leave they immediately beging gossiping and slandering each other behind their backs. they never hear about it aside from when the person gossiped to spreads it to another person and it eventually makes its way back around to the subject of the gossip and then causes a fall out, which generally ends and they make friends as if nothing happened and talk again while again gossiping behind one anothers back and repeating the same thing over again and again.

    where as with men we just openly say *** to each others faces and cut the kind face crap part out.

  • the mans world is different and more uncaring to the womans world.

    Women can be horrendous towards each other

  • What, like maggie thatcher?

  • i mean do you have a example of how the gender of woman somehow makes for a better ruler?..... all the female rulers we have had have been pretty brutal, evil by todays standards.... but yet by historical standards they increased the wealth and prosperity of our nations, so good to us..... but imperial.... american politics has skeweed you on it though to make you think there has never been a female ruler at all and that we somehow have a globl patriarchy which is a total absolute lie and most likely based on the fact america with its tiny history that is almost none existant in the face of the world has never actually had itself a female ruler while the rest of the nations in the world have mostly had female rulers and they have all been more brutal than any american president you can mention.

    but yeah perhaps its good to bring back those imperial days of having a brutal female ruler that does whats best for our people at everyone elses expense... good for us... bad for everyone else lol

    hell even ignoring imperial days, name every modern day uk female ruler and you will find the left have hated them for being too brutal and iron willed and ruthless.... they even hate on pritti pattel right now because she doesnt give a *** about peoples feelings and does what needs to be done. that is what female rulers are like, they do what needs to be done and arnt bound to other peoples feelings like male rulers generally are like...  i guess female rulers try to overcompensate for their percieved genderal weakness by being over the top brutal and stronger than any male ruler can be. hence you get pritti pattel calling for all migranys to be rounded by and placed on a prison island off the coast of aafrica lmao yeah lets get a female ruler because man bad and woman good all because of their gender lol let us go through this again and show thats not the case yet again, people never learn, but its always fun to watch this mistake.

  • And here come the Tedium Crew to respond, just like clockwork!

  • I think we should hand over control to the women

    Absolutely not.

    I'm only interested in a person's competence and ability to do a job - just handing things to people because of their gender is crazy.

  • true, britains strongest imperial days were under the control of queen victoria. there will be no shits given under a brutal woman who cares not for the opinions of the sheep lol

  • I think we should hand over control to the women, can't be any worse than this surely Slight smile

  • well not really, especially the european colonial age which was ruled by queen victoria and colonialism was done due to her want of new lands to satisfy her as a gift

  • The world is a man's world tbh...They've always been in charge Persevere It's tiring...

  • I cannot believe how offensive you people are. The fact that you haven't been banned is beyond me. Your views are your views and you're entitled to them, but the forum is not for this kind of talk; it's to support people with Autism and those who care for them, not to mudsling about political views and get personal/insulting. SMH.

  • aye a brick wall, a written hard drive data disk that isnt open to anything. which kinda even shows how she keeps leaving and turning off notifications lol

    although i still believe in human curiosity and that shed be reading despite saying that, because everyone is curious enough to always wanna know whats said after they "leave" lol