Online autistic identity

I like facebook - I spend a lot of time on it. My profile is almost exclusively 'NT compliant but still eccentric old me'

Does anyone think that a 'dual identity' is healthy?

I feel like I want to 'live my truth' and just be completely open, but I think some/many existing friends would be confused and quite unnerved.

Above all I just want to share some things I know - to entertain, educate, resonate (or be happily disagreed with) - and feel that some of my things are VERY not NT.

  • well yeah social media isnt very nice to be yourself on.... i have been banned from nearly everything now.

    youtube = they banned me for so called political lies, when it wasnt a lie, i just pointed out how the remain side of brexit cheated the budget by allowing themselves to have 9 million cost of leaflets to not be counted in their budget, thats not a lie, its a fact.

    twitter = banned for hardly anything at all, that site is very ban happy... they will ban you just for saying hello...

    facebook = banned every single month for like 100 months and now i just recieved a perma ban lol

    social media is a joke and it is very picky and only wants certain select views to be represented and doesnt even tolerate a person who states all sides views and all options neutrally and tries to discuss the pros and cons of each side for discussion onto which is overall better.

  • well yeah social media isnt very nice to be yourself on.... i have been banned from nearly everything now.

    youtube = they banned me for so called political lies, when it wasnt a lie, i just pointed out how the remain side of brexit cheated the budget by allowing themselves to have 9 million cost of leaflets to not be counted in their budget, thats not a lie, its a fact.

    twitter = banned for hardly anything at all, that site is very ban happy... they will ban you just for saying hello...

    facebook = banned every single month for like 100 months and now i just recieved a perma ban lol

    social media is a joke and it is very picky and only wants certain select views to be represented and doesnt even tolerate a person who states all sides views and all options neutrally and tries to discuss the pros and cons of each side for discussion onto which is overall better.

  • You should be proud of yourself.  Few humans have the balls to go against the neoliberal orthodoxy, so being targeted as a 'trouble maker' by Big Tech in this new age of surveillance capitalism is right up there with The French Resistance, The American Civil Rights Movement; and The Rebel Alliance!