Learning difficulties and difficulties understanding the world

Hi there :) 

I am currently awaiting an assessment on the NHS following the ongoing difficulties I have had throughout my life (I'm 30 now). 

I was wondering if anyone empathised with this...

I really struggle with understanding. Understanding the world. Understanding social situations. I feel like I am constantly trying to make sense of my situation, whatever that situation may be. It's hard to put it into words. It's like a constant state of confusion about the world. I feel like I am always playing catch up with the people around me.

I really benefit from teachers and support workers as they help me to understand learning and situations. I find it really difficult to make sense of things independently. But I want to become more independent! 

Would love other peoples perspectives to help me to express what I am going through.

Thanks. Hugging

  • I agree with you. I have struggled massively in my life. What has helped me recently is every morning I say to myself what my position is in the world and think about what I want to achieve that day. It doesn't have to be massive. I would spend most of the day sometimes not knowing who I was or where I was going. I would only get my head around it by the evening some days. I too was very confused about the world and my place in it.

    I agree with the playing catch up too. Everyone else's lives are going at 100mph and I don't feel like I've even got started yet. Even a small conversation for me is a success to be applauded. Think of small steps to gain your independence, it won't all come at once. 

  • I agree with you. I have struggled massively in my life. What has helped me recently is every morning I say to myself what my position is in the world and think about what I want to achieve that day. It doesn't have to be massive. I would spend most of the day sometimes not knowing who I was or where I was going. I would only get my head around it by the evening some days. I too was very confused about the world and my place in it.

    I agree with the playing catch up too. Everyone else's lives are going at 100mph and I don't feel like I've even got started yet. Even a small conversation for me is a success to be applauded. Think of small steps to gain your independence, it won't all come at once. 

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