How do you think about things?

I think associatively, deeply and incessantly about everything (when I say everything I meant everything related to the specific thing I like to think about. It was late when I wrote this :) . Its not that I think about knitting, swimming etc :) )  . I . If a topic is deep and meaningful then I feel immensely nourished by thinking about it. It does drain me though and I do it automatically. How do other people on here with official diagnoses of ASD think about things? I can stop thinking, its draining but I do enjoy it. I sometimes think that thinking is the only good thing there is to do in this life. 

  • I think in very abstract and logical way and I also love to think about things in great detail. When I discover a new topic that interests me I spend days or weeks or months reading absolutely everything I can find about it and forming a huge pattern of information in my head, and I spend endless hours just thinking about it by myself. For me this is deeply satisfying. I want to understand everything.

  • I'm the same but its only really ever been one thing I've done that with.

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