No Support

Hi there,

Just wondering, does anyone else feel as though there is zero support out there? I have searched and searched including on this website and it just seems the only real support is for children, parents/guardians/carers of autistic children or severely autistic adults. I am high functioning autistic with a diagnosis in the past couple of years. It feels as though no one cares. Once I got my diagnosis there was zero follow up at all. Nothing. Is it not the people who have always struggled through life and never known why that need support? Of course children and severely autistic people need support, but it feels as though high functioning adults are completely left behind as if because we are high functioning we can cope on our own. I have been completely and utterly lost since graduating university with no direction and no purpose. I am one of the 88% of adults with autism who are out of work, but there is just no support to help those 88%. 

I feel like I am slowly going insane and no one seems to care or want to help. 

Am I the only one?


  • The big support is talking here.

    By writing about your problems on an open website you get some of the pent up stress off your chest and there is always a possibility that someone can offer useful advice.

    I also have great difficulty keeping jobs, although I have more qualifications than I know what to do with.

  • What jobs do you go for?   It's normal to choose completely incompatible jobs - maybe you're destined to be a Bee keeper?  Smiley

Reply Children
  • Cool - I did CSS, Java, PHP etc. some years ago (it's why this site annoys me so much - it's not that hard!)

  • I want to get back into computer programming and software development.  But my skills are out of date, so I am trying to make them more relevant.

    In this lockdown I've taken several short, free courses on cyber security, modern programming techniques, web development, user interfaces for mobile devices, the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript.  At the moment I am 3/4 of the way through a Cisco programming course in Python.

  • What do you like to do?    Researchers and Technical programming should be solo enough to hide in?

    I considered getting into mobile phone base station maintenance - or wind and solar farms - out and about, doing my own thing.

  • I have an open mind about what kind of jobs I go for.

    My life has been a mess for a very long time.

    My home life from birth has been twisted upside down and inside out.

    Recently I have gone for any jobs that the job centre has forced me to apply for in order not to lose my benefits.

    My real problem is my inability to get along with people because my communication skills are inadequate and my body language is unorthodox.  As soon as I start a job, I notice that the management want me out because I don't fit in with the rest of the workforce.

    I have had jobs in routine clerical work, technical programming jobs, user support, retail, support worker for disabled people, cleaner, researcher in a university, home carer.

    I've also been kicked off training courses for spurious reasons.