Initial assessment/screening

What was your experience like? I've got mine (unexpectedly) in 2 weeks time. Is it usually a questionnaire type process or more unstructured? Because it is over zoom-like video link rather than fave to face in person I'm unsure what to expect.

  • I had mine in December. 

    2 People asking questions via Zoom, felt structured but in a friendly way. They were asking about my childhood and other experiences. I was nervous so I don't fully remember (a bit of a scatter brain when anxious), but I could talk freely.

    They then disconnected me whilst they discussed it for a very short time before I reconnected and they diagnosed me. It was meant to take 90 minutes, but my was over in about half that time.

    I (like everyone I expect) was very nervous beforehand, but you have no reason to be.

  • I had mine in December. 

    2 People asking questions via Zoom, felt structured but in a friendly way. They were asking about my childhood and other experiences. I was nervous so I don't fully remember (a bit of a scatter brain when anxious), but I could talk freely.

    They then disconnected me whilst they discussed it for a very short time before I reconnected and they diagnosed me. It was meant to take 90 minutes, but my was over in about half that time.

    I (like everyone I expect) was very nervous beforehand, but you have no reason to be.

  • Diagnosed you in the initial assessment? 

    I'm not sure what to expect other than that I know they discuss support groups and reasonable adjustments after the initial assessment and decide if a full assessment is required. I assumed if I didn't need a full assessment that meant they didn't consider me autistic?