Annoying noises

Can anyone think of noises that really annoy you. I hate rustling crisp packets. It sounds so loud! 

  • Phones ringing. Especially old-school ones with that aggressive 'brrrrrng' to them. In films and tv dramas, they often let them ring for ages and it's torture. Bad enough in real life.

    Ice cream van chimes. Disgusting. Produces the perfect storm of irritation and a kind of all consuming ennui. Desolate sounding at a distance, intollerable up close.

    Cheery whistling. In real life or songs. Detestable.

  • Phones ringing. Especially old-school ones with that aggressive 'brrrrrng' to them. In films and tv dramas, they often let them ring for ages and it's torture. Bad enough in real life.

    Ice cream van chimes. Disgusting. Produces the perfect storm of irritation and a kind of all consuming ennui. Desolate sounding at a distance, intollerable up close.

    Cheery whistling. In real life or songs. Detestable.

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