Novels with autistic chatacters or by autistic authors?

I read Sally Rooney's Conversation with Friends this summer. I liked it though I wouldn't rave. What I did enjoy was the internal machinations of the main character. Her mind worked like mine. I decided towards the end that the author must be autistic as you couldn't portray that thinking without experiencing it. The character's not desribed as autistic, and the novels not about autism, but it was refreshing to read a novel where I related to the character and thinking so closely.

I then read her Normal People novel and again really related to some of the miscommnication mess the characters get in, so much like my own love life. Again it was refreshing to relate so much to both characters and writing style. Watching the TV series and it came across even more apparent to me. And I decided the title Normal People was no accident made by some undiagnosed autistic author but a clever play. That they are normal, just not neurotypical normal.

Anyway, I'd like to read more novels written by autistic authors. Anyone got recommendations? (And I don't like Sci-fi. Yeah, hang me, I'm clearly not a real autist!)

  • A number of the characters in works by the Marquis de Sade seem to have rather autistic traits.

    Researchers of his works have noted a sense of autism in his material.

    Some of his works are more palatable than others.

  • Gosh! I did look at one of his books once and it def wasn't for me. I'd be curious what the more palatable ones are.

  • If memory serves correct, the following ones weren't overly sexual/violent:

    Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man
    Florville and Courval

    I cannot guarantee though. There's a small allusion(?) to sex at the end of 'Dialogue ...'. This one is very short as well.

    'Florville and Courval' certainly touches on sex a fair bit but compared to his other works, it's no so full on and it's one of his works whereby much of the text is about questioning one's morality compared against personal needs to live and thrive.

    'Justine' I feel to be the best work of his that I've read. The trouble is, in-between the dialogues on morality and people's nature, there are extended sections devoted to pretty harsh torture porn.

    I'm not sure I'd necessarily recommend de Sade to too many people but I felt he deserves a place in the discussion here as his works are certainly 'different' and autistic in significant aspects.

  • That looks really good, the reviews are really high on Amazon. I think I'll get it, but let me know what you think too when finished.

  • He has asperger's 

  • Currently reading adventures with asperger's by Tom cutler good reading so far will update discussion when finished 

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