AS or introversion?

I'm on the waiting list for an assessment. At the moment I don't feel I identify with being on the spectrum but this on/off pattern is something which has been with me for a few years now. I asked my GP to refer me.

I know some aspies are introverted, I know some are extroverts or ambiverts. I've been reading up about introverts and also highly sensitive people. So I can identify with being an introvert and also HSP, but the sticking point which I can't seem to get to the bottom of, is social communication. I think I mask very well but I know I have problems with communication and conversation. I feel this is a different strand to introversion and HSP. I know they can all cross over. But I haven't found anything which suggests a highly sensitive person could have difficulty with social interaction (other than sensory factors having an impact eg in a noisy environment). And being an introvert doesn't mean you have difficulty having conversations, it's more a preference for how you spend your time and how your energy is expended.

Can anyone offer any ideas or thoughts? Thank you.

  • , a thought does occur to me which might relate to what  you are saying. That is, I have found that although I can begin to (or try to) relate to a person I don't know very well, at some point the things that they seem to assume are common experiences, for me, are not, so I find it hard to keep the conversation going and just pretend I understand what the person is on about. The trouble is, before long it gets very tiring to keep up the act and I don't seek that person's company anymore. This seems a bit selfish but its just my way of avoiding stress. I think you know the kind of people you 'click' with or, at least, have a good chance of clicking with. But I believe things like introversion/extroversion and other aspects of a person's demeanour are separate elements of a person's psychological make-up and don't directly affect their AS tendencies, although this may be an over simplification, I'm no expert. I do know I don't like going to cinemas anymore because of the potential noise of people eating crisps, snacks, etc. They may even allow hot snacks to be eaten nowadays I don't know, and if so that would send me crazy and I would have to leave since I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the movie. Coughing too, would drive me round the bend, although I appreciate people don't do it on purpose.

  • It's really hard for me to think about what you have posed because I haven't been in a new social situation for such a long time, with the exception of what I said below. The people I have in my life I have known for an awfully long time and I know where I stand with them. 

  • It's really hard for me to think about what you have posed because I haven't been in a new social situation for such a long time, with the exception of what I said below. The people I have in my life I have known for an awfully long time and I know where I stand with them. 

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