I'm on the waiting list for an assessment. At the moment I don't feel I identify with being on the spectrum but this on/off pattern is something which has been with me for a few years now. I asked my GP to refer me.
I know some aspies are introverted, I know some are extroverts or ambiverts. I've been reading up about introverts and also highly sensitive people. So I can identify with being an introvert and also HSP, but the sticking point which I can't seem to get to the bottom of, is social communication. I think I mask very well but I know I have problems with communication and conversation. I feel this is a different strand to introversion and HSP. I know they can all cross over. But I haven't found anything which suggests a highly sensitive person could have difficulty with social interaction (other than sensory factors having an impact eg in a noisy environment). And being an introvert doesn't mean you have difficulty having conversations, it's more a preference for how you spend your time and how your energy is expended.
Can anyone offer any ideas or thoughts? Thank you.