PIP Tribunals

I just want to warn others about something that was mentioned in my PIP tribunal.  I wrote to the NAS about it, but got a strange response from someone who had missed the whole point of my email "signposting" me to help I wasn't asking for.  I was trying to help them and others, tbh, I just sent back "**rolls eyes**", which elicited no response.  I thought it might at least pique someone's interest! 

I mentioned in my Tribunal about waiting for an ASD assessment - which I probably shouldn't have, but there's the being too honest and giving too much information in ASD!  The judge went literally ballistic, she was shouting and saying "We've been warned about this kind of thing, a nurse can't diagnose Autism! (the assessment had been suggested by the nurse who mostly carried out the assessment for my daughter, although she saw a psychologist as well) - people are being misdiagnosed as having Autism when they're absolutely fine!  You haven't got Autism, you're very eloquent, perfectly normal, and have understood everything that has gone on in here today!"  I was so shocked, but managed not to say anything, and the social/disability lady on the panel did look at me apologetically and say "Well, of course, that's why it's a spectrum, isn't it?" to me.

It was a red flag to me that the judge said they'd "been warned" - by whom?  DWP?  I would have argued about it, but obviously didn't want to jeopardise the outcome of my Tribunal, as I'd waited a year for it. (I won the Tribunal & got my PIP because of my other conditions, btw, Ehlers-Danlos, arthritis, Crohn's disease etc).  My poor husband had to put up with a rant all the way home (half an hour's drive).

A psychologist at our local Autism Assessment Centre thought it was really worrying, and suggested that I tell the NAS.  It felt as though even with a letter from Autism Services, no-one would win an appeal if they're "higher functioning" and seem "normal" like my daughter.  I know that there were things I wouldn't have understood in the Tribunal, not because I'm unintelligent, but because I don't get social nuances, but it had to remain unsaid DisappointedIf you're off to a Tribunal, get as many medical letters as you can detailing how it affects your life, GP, psychologists, social workers etc, as I think it's a very hard fight, but my advice worker said that lots of written evidence is read before the hearing and can be really helpful.

Hope this warning is useful, but I don't know how to get the information out there!  I've put it in the ASD/PDA Facebook groups as a post but can't think what else to do.  If anyone can share this info, that would be great, thank you!