Please help with this list of autistic traits?


I have not been diagnosed, but I have been reading the threads on here and the following apply to me: 

obsessive exercise regime and feeling guilt for eating certain ‘bad’ foods that have a high calorie content.

routines that are detrimental and have resulted in lack of experimentation and exposure to more of what life might have to offer.

eating the same foods all the time.

a breakdown in communication with most of my family.

a lack of general care for the welfare of other humans.

an inability to express feelings or emotions about my fiancé.

obsessing over topics such as animal care, car construction and, for example, reading these threads.

reading over what I have written in an email over and over again. 

repeatedly feeling like I say the wrong things in conversation and others feel awkward. 
looking away from others when I have to talk during a conversation. 

obsessively picking at my fingertips and making them bleed. This is to ensure that there are no loose bits of skin. 

being very sensitive or angry when I hear someone whistling, cutlery scraping on plates and people clearing their throats. 

repeatedly being called “blunt” by colleagues.

in childhood:

taking toy cars and pretending to park them in designated spaces on a mat repeatedly.

I don’t remember much else about my childhood because I may have blocked it out due to sexual abuse by my father.

I am a 38 year old female teacher. How can I have got this far into life and only just realised that I might be autistic? 

  • Hi All, I just joined the site. I feel this could be a good place to compare notes. I'm interested in this thread. I did the ASQ test some time ago (49/50) - it's what put me onto why I've felt out of place my whole life. I hadn't heard about the EQ test - I just did it - I scored 4 out of 80 .. hmm, not very empathic then :-) .. just happy to chat ..  (I'm a 50-something chap from up t'North)

  • I did it a few days ago and scored 10. Scored 44 on the ASQ. 40 years old, seeking diagnosis. I need the corroboration over and above the tests. What about you, are you going to pursue an 'official' diagnosis?

Reply Children
  • Thanks for the recommendation, I will seek the book.

    I need the corroboration for my own mental well-being. I want it to confirm why i have been the way I am, to help those few people who are close to me understand why I am the way I am and as a step toward dealing with certain situations better.

  • Hi, no I don't feel the need for an 'official' diagnosis .. I'm so very sure that I'm an Aspie - and the relief of having that understanding is enough 

    I should say on the ASQ test I scored 49 out of 50 - and disagreed with the answer on the other question of the 50 :-)

    I've just read the book "Keep clear : my adventures with Aspergers" Tom Cutler .. very insightful -- all the way through I could easily draw parallels with my own life experience