Temperature change struggles

I was wondering how common it is to suffer when it comes to temperature change. Getting too hot isn’t as bad for me it’s when it comes to the cold I feel it right through me. I could be on a beach and it be really hot but the moment a cloud comes over or a big gust of wind I’m left with instant goosebumps and shivering to the core! Even down to getting out of bed on a night and running to the bathroom I am freezing by the time I get back in the covers to the point it’s took my breath away. 
I find it much harder in the winter to go out with this added on top. I can’t come out of a restaurant or a venue without it physically being a struggle to adjust. I find it get really hot when in these places more so with the anxiety that comes with social situations and tend to then feel even colder as I’m leaving. 

I also suffer bad with night sweats - I’ve had all sorts of tests and as far as my GP is concerned medically there’s not any flags for concern, it’s not every night but definitely more nights than not. I have now had it mentioned that this could also be part of the sensory issues, I am freezing when I get into bed and need the duvet wrapped up but then when I am asleep my body is getting too hot without me realising and this is what could be causing them.

Any ideas to make it either a bit easier to manage or to practically prevent some of those feelings?

  • Hi, yes I think it is very annoying for everyone in the UK when you have to try and judge what to wear to go outside based on the time of year, time of day and weather. Sometimes if I go a long walk I put a hoodie on and I am too warm or other times like when it gets later on it becomes too cold. If you are too cold you could always try to jog for a minute to warm up

    As for night sweats have you thought about ventilation and humidity? In my flat the ventilation is very poor which means that if I have my windows closed the air starts to become more humid (possibly from towels drying etc.) and I feel like my body is sweating. I can't close my bedroom door because there's no ventilation and the bedroom window doesn't open. I solve this by having my living room or kitchen window slightly open. Maybe you could open the window and see if it helps? I don't really find a problem with getting too cold at this time of year if leaving the window open overnight if you are in bed with covers

  • The getting cold is annoying but not the end of the world, i tend to take extra layers where ever I go for this reason. It’s much easier to warm up than it is to cool down once too hot. 

    I have found when I get really hot when I’ve come inside from somewhere I get agitated where I’m overheating and irritated but it doesn’t last too long and I can ease into where ever I am.

    The mornings waking up drenched are not fun and I’m waking up already irritated which doesn’t start the day well. I always keep a window open and don’t wear big pyjamas but I’m wondering if it’s the material I’m wearing but I am testing each week with that and the duvets and seeing if anything helps!

  • The getting cold is annoying but not the end of the world, i tend to take extra layers where ever I go for this reason. It’s much easier to warm up than it is to cool down once too hot. 

    I have found when I get really hot when I’ve come inside from somewhere I get agitated where I’m overheating and irritated but it doesn’t last too long and I can ease into where ever I am.

    The mornings waking up drenched are not fun and I’m waking up already irritated which doesn’t start the day well. I always keep a window open and don’t wear big pyjamas but I’m wondering if it’s the material I’m wearing but I am testing each week with that and the duvets and seeing if anything helps!

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