Struggling with being on the spectrum

Hello all; I’m 21 years old and I’m on the spectrum. Last two years I’ve been struggling to deal with myself and my behaviour has gotten really bad, I’ve started to get really aggressive and defensive over it and I can’t keep control of myself during difficult times and places. I’m reaching out for some help as I can’t carry on the way I’m going. I feel the label of Autism is taking over my life when I should embrace it and not let it get in the way of everyday life. I need to take action to improve my wellbeing and overall happiness, what steps should I take to move forward?

  • Hi there. I'm a self-diagnosed aspie woman and i would like to share with you 2 guidelines i use every single day...

    First one, catastrofising is our autism showing up. I keep telling myself "it's ok, this fears are only due to my autism".

    Second one, "go, never give up, try again, don't victimize youself, go out, you can do it, the world is ours too,"

    It's not easy but it's possible.

  • Hi there. I'm a self-diagnosed aspie woman and i would like to share with you 2 guidelines i use every single day...

    First one, catastrofising is our autism showing up. I keep telling myself "it's ok, this fears are only due to my autism".

    Second one, "go, never give up, try again, don't victimize youself, go out, you can do it, the world is ours too,"

    It's not easy but it's possible.

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