
Hi everybody, 

I'm a little confused about my diagnosis 

It says on the front page that I have been diagnosis with ASC

But on the next page it says there are different types of autism.

I've read a lot up about it before I got the diagnosis and was sure I would get diagnosed with aspergers. 

I'm not that clever at all with common knowledge. 

I only do extensive research on things I'm interested in like cars and computer games. And that's the only things that stick in my head. 

I'm absolutely rubbish at maths and English, I struggled like hell in school so I ended up bunking off for the most of it. 

The only reason I got a late diagnosis is because my parents were and still are in denial. 

My mum has asked me "when are you going to grwo up"

Because I'm now 32 and still play computer games.

Thanks for replies in advance 

  • You can have any interest you like as an adult really , as long as you're not hurting any body.

  • Just over a year now. It feels like a very long time.

  • Absolutely nothing wrong with playing computer games at any age.  Loads of people of all generations play them.

  • F84.0 - Autistic disorder

    F84.0 - Autistic disorder
    • Autism spectrum disorder
    • Infantile autism
    • Infantile psychosis
    • Kanner's syndrome
    Not Coded Here
    • Asperger's syndrome (F84.5)
    Code Tree
    F01-F99 - Mental, Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental disorders
    • F80-F89 - Pervasive and specific developmental disorders
      • F84 - Pervasive developmental disorders
        • F84.0 - Autistic disorder
        • F84.2 - Rett's syndrome
        • F84.3 - Other childhood disintegrative disorder
        • F84.5 - Asperger's syndrome
        • F84.8 - Other pervasive developmental disorders
        • F84.9 - Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified
    Map to ⑨
    F84.0 converts approximately to one of the following ICD-9-CM codes:
    • 299.00 - Autistic disorder, current or active state
    • 299.01 - Autistic disorder, residual state
    F84.0 - Autistic disorder is a sample topic from the ICD-10-CM.

    To view other topics, please sign in or purchase a subscription.

    ICD-10-CM 2020 Coding GuideTm from Unbound Medicine. 

  • How long have you been waiting for your diagnosis assessment?>

  • Do you know the code?   f84 is Autism and f84.5 is aspergers.....ASD"!

  • Hi. Based on what I've read, there are many different types of autism, but they're now all classified as ASC (autistic spectrum condition) rather than being split out into separate diagnoses. People with Asperger's, for example, will receive an overall diagnosis of ASC rather than a specific diagnosis of Asperger's.

    Have you been offered any support following your diagnosis? If so, perhaps you can write down some questions to ask so that you can understand your diagnosis better. If not, I'm sure you could contact the assessment centre you were diagnosed at to clarify any questions.

    I suppose the type of autism (e.g. Asperger's) isn't as important as understanding your individual profile - the skills you have, the challenges you face, and the coping mechanisms that might help you.

    I'm still waiting for my diagnosis, so my understanding is only based on what I've read/picked up from conversations, but the NAS Helpline would be able to give you professional advice if you need it.