How to deal with obsessions

Hi everyone 

I was wondering if anyone else experiences this , but I find that I can get obsessed with something very easily , for example if I like an idea then I will think obsessively about how to go about it , research it etc. I find I have multiple obsessions at the same time which are constantly going round in my head which makes me exhausted, trying to figure out how to do my obsessions , for example planning a trip away or funding an activity. 

I tend to also get bored quickly so my obsessions can fizzle out in a matter of days/weeks , but some go on for months. Does anyone else experience this too? 

any advice would be greatly appreciated :) 

  • I recommend the channels Secular News and Chomsky's Philosophy.

  • I don't trust anything - I just gather information and process it all myself - one person's truth is another person's lie.    But some are really funny.  Smiley

  • I would caution against using youtube as your only source for political news because of the algorithm and the way it will send you down rabbit holes.

  • Me too - I'm currently loving the US politics and the back-room criminality that's been going on for decades.      On Youtube - I like Millennial Millie - she has an amazing ability to dig up what they're trying to hide - and Salty Cracker - his blunt assessment of the craziness is hilarious - but lots of swearing.   Smiley

    And, naturally, all the nerdy videos on there.  Smiley

  • 100%. Before I got my last car I drew up a spreadsheet with loads of comparable stats and looked at everything on the market. I’m actually happier when I can obsess over something. There is nothing at the moment, so I go the other way and struggle to leave the house or have the motivation to do anything.

  • I have an obsession with news (depressing)  and the internet (i use it all day)

  • For me its watches :( I'll see something I like,  research reviews and look for the best price. Justify to myself why I should buy ir and then buy it anyway. When it arrives I think it's OK but end up selling it for a loss, to buy something else :( 

    I used to be obsessed about getting the latest PC hardware but managed to free myself of that one. 

    Thr only good thing is i'm not a gambler!! 

  • Thank you for your reply that’s really interesting , I didn’t think about obsessions in that way but can definitely see what you mean 

  • Thank you for your reply, they can be difficult to deal with I agree, and yes sometimes I can be impulsive with spending money on my obsessions so have to be careful ! 

  • I have an obsession to measure everything to try to 'solve' and reason it out.     

    I've thought about obsessions (a lot!) and I see them born of an active mind that is frustrated by the random world around them.    

    An obsession allows the mind to take control of the chaos and focus on one small part so the active mind can indulge itself learning everything there is to know about the subject of the focus.   This gives the mind extreme control over it's own stimulation so there's lots of joy to be extracted in the short term.      The filtering of the chaos allows the mind to 'relax' in the clarity of the focus.

    Once you've gathered as much of the interesting data as possible, it becomes boring so you lose interest - the noise of the chaos starts to bother you again so you need a new obsession to blot out the unpleasant noise.

    I would suggest that obsessions on inanimate things like trains or cars etc. are no problem - it's all data gathering.

    Obsessions about people can be a problem if you lack self-judgement and don't know when you are being inappropriate.

    That's my theory based on personal experience.

  • Obsessions are difficult to deal with.

    If they are harmless because they don't have a negative effect on yourself or others, then treat them as a hobby and enjoy them.

    If, however,  these obsessions are having a financial drain on your resources,  then you're in trouble. 

    If an obsession is having an affect on your social relationships with other people around you.  Then my advice is try to see how other people see you.  In other words, ' see the other person's  point of view.'  And try to moderate the obsessive behaviour. 

    I have more than my fair share of obsessions. Some too embarrassing to discuss here.