How to deal with obsessions

Hi everyone 

I was wondering if anyone else experiences this , but I find that I can get obsessed with something very easily , for example if I like an idea then I will think obsessively about how to go about it , research it etc. I find I have multiple obsessions at the same time which are constantly going round in my head which makes me exhausted, trying to figure out how to do my obsessions , for example planning a trip away or funding an activity. 

I tend to also get bored quickly so my obsessions can fizzle out in a matter of days/weeks , but some go on for months. Does anyone else experience this too? 

any advice would be greatly appreciated :) 

  • I have had an obsession about try to settle suicidal thinking especially for asd people as I am a doctor plagued with regrets. It has now been every day for 7 years and I’ve done so much research. especially with compute use artificial intelligence. Involved in national projects but was arrested by police for trying scam sites to change thinking. Terrible consequences. Now I try meditating mindfulness reading socialising distractions but can’t manage more than 5 minutes without coming back to my obsession about suicide and I don’t want to die but it seems inevitable soon especially as I have been convicted for implied suicidal threats as malicious communications . This was a communication suggested by Samaritans and my doctor. The law seems brutally wrong  my positive obsessions have been getting degrees, triathlon, medical research, medicine but this one about trying to find a way to stop suicidal thoughts is by far the worst

  • are you a qualified doctor?
    and are you talking about being obsessed with killing yourself?

Reply Children
  • i dont understand why the courts convicted you of trying to change peoples suicidal thinking? how did you do it?

    but dont feel like a hopeless failure. there are many people through history who have endured to do what they thought was right, and been persecuted for that. I'm sure whatever happened you did it with the best intentions.

    why do you think people obsess over suicide?

  • Yes 43 years as a doctor. Feeling a hopeless failure and can’t find a solution but love my family although feeling a great burden for them especially since criminal conviction for trying to help suicidal thinking. The courts did not understand what I was doing and do not realise they may have given me a death sentence it’s the humiliation of a conviction and massive national publicity tv and media. Police have been really awful