how reliable is the AQ 50 test?


I'm a new member here. I've long though I might be autistic based on how I acted and behaved in certain situations. When I was a teenager being treated for depression I did suggest it as a possibility to my doctor but he didn't seem interested in following that route as a possible explanation/cause for some of my other problems/depression.

I've done the AQ50 today having had someone suggest it to me and I got a score of 49/50. so I fall well within the strong autistic traits category. If I were to go to my doctor would something like that be viewed as a useful starting point for a diagnosis or would it be looked upon with sceptism. I'll sound cynical now but it looks to me to be almost to high a score and perhaps my doctor might think I was giving answers that would lead to a diagnosis rather than answering them honestly which is what I did.

Any advice/help would be appreciated


  • A score of 32 or more is seen as an indication of autism/aspergers. Your doctor should refer you for a formal assessment/diagnosis if you request it, but there is usually a long wait. Your doctor may, like the one I saw, challenge why you think an autism diagnosis might help you, as there is not much support for adults. (my score was high too, I think 47) 

    After recovering from the depression I was then experiencing and reading a lot about Autism, I decided not to go down the route of formal diagnosis, however I am able to work part time and it doesn't affect me much at the moment. Just learning about what autism is and why I behave and react like I do has been really beneficial. The doctor did agree to keep my test results on my records though, and said if things change later I can request a referral then.

    There is a lot of information on this website and lots of books that can help you understand yourself. I found these two particularly useful: "Am I Autistic?" by Lydia Andal & " A field guide to Earthlings" by Ian Ford.

  • A score of 32 or more is seen as an indication of autism/aspergers. Your doctor should refer you for a formal assessment/diagnosis if you request it, but there is usually a long wait. Your doctor may, like the one I saw, challenge why you think an autism diagnosis might help you, as there is not much support for adults. (my score was high too, I think 47) 

    After recovering from the depression I was then experiencing and reading a lot about Autism, I decided not to go down the route of formal diagnosis, however I am able to work part time and it doesn't affect me much at the moment. Just learning about what autism is and why I behave and react like I do has been really beneficial. The doctor did agree to keep my test results on my records though, and said if things change later I can request a referral then.

    There is a lot of information on this website and lots of books that can help you understand yourself. I found these two particularly useful: "Am I Autistic?" by Lydia Andal & " A field guide to Earthlings" by Ian Ford.
