Memory issues

I’ve been told that autistic people have fantastic memories.  A few people on the spectrum are like walking encyclopaedias.  I am not like this.  I have always had a very poor memory.  I had surgery on my wrist years ago and cannot remember which wrist it was.  There are people I went to school with that remember me, I don’t remember them.  This was back in high school.  People will tell me something at work and have to repeat it several times and I still won’t remember it. I don’t remember hardly any of my birthdays, chunks of my life are gone.  It has always been like this.  I feel like I’m broken.  Sounds bother me, smells bother me, people bother me.  I don’t know what purpose I serve here since I don’t find enjoyment in much.  If I had a great memory, I would love to go back to university to study.  I went to college for nursing and it was such a struggle to pass all the courses.  Is anyone else like this. I don’t know what to do to improve my memory.  I feel like I am falling apart.

  • I want to write more on this but I'm pretty tired. Yes, I used to have a phenomenal memory, I only had to hear/see things once and could never forget, couldn't shut it out even if I wanted to. However, during a burnout in my twenties, and subsequent anti-anxiety meds, I lost around 80-90% of my long-term memory and really struggled to form any new memories (short-term memory failure also). It was terrifying.

    My long-term memory started coming back to me about 18 months ago (having been gone for around 7-8 years), and the more I withdraw from the world, the more it seems to recover, although this may just be coincidence. I take a number of supplements: BioCare Adult MultiVitamin & MultiMinerals; COQ10; and magnesium EAP. I also have a relatively high protein, high fat, low-carb diet. I don't know if any of these things help.

    I struggled a lot at work and still do because my short-term memory is still diabolical. I can't remember even having conversations with people, much less what was actually discussed. If someone asks me what I'm working on, or to give a summary of my week, I can't remember any of it unless I have a list of bullet points written down in front of me. It's hugely stressful and embarrassing because I'm highly intelligent and never used to have this problem. I don't know if my short-term memory will ever recover or whether the damage from the burnout and/or medication is permanent. People talk about techniques you can use to improve your memory but they don't work for me and no-one believes me. I really feel for you. I wish I had answers, but all I have is empathy. 

  • I want to write more on this but I'm pretty tired. Yes, I used to have a phenomenal memory, I only had to hear/see things once and could never forget, couldn't shut it out even if I wanted to. However, during a burnout in my twenties, and subsequent anti-anxiety meds, I lost around 80-90% of my long-term memory and really struggled to form any new memories (short-term memory failure also). It was terrifying.

    My long-term memory started coming back to me about 18 months ago (having been gone for around 7-8 years), and the more I withdraw from the world, the more it seems to recover, although this may just be coincidence. I take a number of supplements: BioCare Adult MultiVitamin & MultiMinerals; COQ10; and magnesium EAP. I also have a relatively high protein, high fat, low-carb diet. I don't know if any of these things help.

    I struggled a lot at work and still do because my short-term memory is still diabolical. I can't remember even having conversations with people, much less what was actually discussed. If someone asks me what I'm working on, or to give a summary of my week, I can't remember any of it unless I have a list of bullet points written down in front of me. It's hugely stressful and embarrassing because I'm highly intelligent and never used to have this problem. I don't know if my short-term memory will ever recover or whether the damage from the burnout and/or medication is permanent. People talk about techniques you can use to improve your memory but they don't work for me and no-one believes me. I really feel for you. I wish I had answers, but all I have is empathy. 

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